Homecoming (1) (The Tillerman Cycle) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Homecoming (1) (The Tillerman Cycle) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Dicey and her siblings prepare to transfer to a bus to WIlmington, Delaware, how much time do they have to wait?
(a) 50 minutes.
(b) 65 minutes.
(c) 40 minutes.
(d) 75 minutes.

2. In Part 2, Chapter 6, what do the children buy from a roadside stand?
(a) Watermelon.
(b) Peaches.
(c) Cantaloupe.
(d) Apples.

3. What does Abigail make the children for breakfast the first morning they are with her?
(a) Waffles.
(b) Ham and eggs.
(c) Eggs and bacon.
(d) Pancakes.

4. In Part 2, Chapter 4, what time do the children get going?
(a) 9:30 a.m.
(b) 9 a.m.
(c) 10:30 a.m.
(d) 10 a.m.

5. In Part 2, Chapter 11, what lies on the island Abigail takes the children to?
(a) Birds and foxes.
(b) Birds, mice, and foxes.
(c) Birds, rabbits, and mice.
(d) Birds.

6. What do the children get to eat when they pick for Mr. Rudyard?
(a) Bread and peanut butter.
(b) Cheese, biscuits, and milk.
(c) Milk, biscuits, and strawberry jam.
(d) Biscuits, milk, and ham.

7. What type of tree does Dicey see from the upstairs of her grandmother's house?
(a) Ash.
(b) Paper mulberry.
(c) Crabapple.
(d) Chestnut.

8. What grade will Maybeth attend in Crisfield?
(a) 2nd.
(b) 3rd.
(c) 1st.
(d) 4th.

9. What is the name of James' teacher in Crisfield?
(a) Mr. Peters.
(b) Mr. Thomas.
(c) Mrs. Andrews.
(d) Mrs. Wilson.

10. In Part 2, Chapter 7, how far does a woman in a grocery store say it is to Abigail Tillerman's place?
(a) 3 miles.
(b) 7 miles.
(c) 5 miles.
(d) 11 miles.

11. Where are the children when Will and Claire arrive in Part 2, Chapter 10?
(a) Bedrooms.
(b) Barn.
(c) Kitchen.
(d) Garden.

12. What grade is Dicey in?
(a) 6th.
(b) 7th.
(c) 8th.
(d) 9th.

13. How much money does Dicey have left at the end of Part 2, Chapter 2?
(a) $47 and some change.
(b) $23 and some change.
(c) $38 and some change.
(d) $51 and some change.

14. How much does Dicey spend on food at the end of Part 2, Chapter 3?
(a) $2.10.
(b) $1.98.
(c) $1.36.
(d) $2.48.

15. In Part 2, Chapter 10, what does Dicey serve Will and Claire to drink?
(a) Kool-aid.
(b) Water.
(c) Iced tea.
(d) Lemonade.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Dicey considers leaving in Part 2, Chapter 10, how much money does she have?

2. What does Abigail say is the name of the woman in the grocery store who told Dicey how to find Abigail's place?

3. In Part 2, Chapter 9, what does Dicey decide the children will do for their first project at their grandmother's?

4. In Part 2, Chapter 11, what type of bathrobe is Abigail wearing when Dicey finds her in the kitchen writing?

5. What was the real name of Abigail's son Bullet?

(see the answer keys)

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