Home Is Not a Country Test | Final Test - Medium

Safia Elhillo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Home Is Not a Country Test | Final Test - Medium

Safia Elhillo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What amazes Nima when the man comes out of his house in "Caught"?
(a) He tells her it is fine for her to swim in the pool.
(b) He cannot see her.
(c) He tells her he wants to swim with her.
(d) He yells at her.

2. Who likes the name Nima among Aisha's friends?
(a) Mala.
(b) Hala.
(c) Fatima.
(d) Mama Fatheya.

3. What does Nima refuse to let herself wonder in Part III?
(a) If Haitham is still alive.
(b) If her mother is still alive.
(c) Is Yasmeen will really be her sister.
(d) If her father is still alive.

4. What does Nima do on the bus in Part III?
(a) Opens its windows.
(b) Jumps off without her mother.
(c) Talks to the driver incessantly.
(d) Gives her seat up for someone else.

5. What does Nima think Haitham looks like in the hospital?
(a) Like her father.
(b) Bigger than usual.
(c) Like his father.
(d) Very small.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Yasmeen finally appear in full form to Nima?

2. What do Yasmeen and Nima use to try to get to shore?

3. Who comes to Nima in a whirlwind and tells her to go right that minute?

4. What does Nima ask Yasmeen about regarding Yasmeen's appearance?

5. What does Nima think in "A Country"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who ends up paying for Nima's food in Part III?

2. What does Yasmeen try to do to Nima that shocks Nima in Part IV?

3. How does Nima feel about losing Yasmeen in "Alone"?

4. What does Nima watch her mother teaching others how to do in Part III?

5. In "Half Possible," what does Yasmeen finally tell Nima about their existence?

6. What does Nima do in "The Water"?

7. Why is Nima so mad at the Arab family in the airport?

8. Who banishes Yasmeen from the party in Part IV?

9. In "Quiet," what does Yasmeen suggest that Nima thinks is strange?

10. When does Nima realize she is really in danger in Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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