Home Is Not a Country Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Safia Elhillo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Home Is Not a Country Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Safia Elhillo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do boys in Nima's school harass her in Part II?
(a) She has a lot of money and they are jealous.
(b) She has just stood up for someone else.
(c) She is Muslim and 9/11 just happened.
(d) She is smarter than everyone else and they are jealous.

2. What does Nima fantasize would have become of her father if he had lived?
(a) He would be amazing at whatever career he chose.
(b) He would take her all over the world.
(c) He would take her for ice cream every day.
(d) He would probably have always died young.

3. What does Nima tell Haitham is the only reason they are friends when she fights with him in Part II?
(a) She feels sorry for him.
(b) He feels sorry for her.
(c) They live in the same building.
(d) Their mothers are friends.

4. At the end of Part II, what does Nima plan to tell her mother when Aisha gets home from work?
(a) Nothing.
(b) She is sorry for everything.
(c) She is moving out.
(d) She wants to be an artist.

5. What does Nima say to the person she sees suddenly standing in a corner of her room in Part II who startles her?
(a) She tells that person she has missed him.
(b) She tells that person she will cook for her.
(c) She tells that person she knows him well.
(d) She tells that person to leave her alone.

6. How long is Nima suspended from school for?
(a) A week.
(b) Two months.
(c) A month.
(d) Two weeks.

7. What is the word Nima often uses to mean "father"?
(a) Dad.
(b) Father.
(c) Daddy.
(d) Baba.

8. Why are Nima and Aisha traveling in "The Airport"?
(a) For a graduation.
(b) For a funeral.
(c) For a convention.
(d) For a wedding.

9. Who does Nima often get together with after school?
(a) Yasmeen.
(b) Henry.
(c) Haitham.
(d) Fatima.

10. What does Nima's best friend have to do at school in Part I?
(a) She is made to plant a garden.
(b) Repeat a year.
(c) He is suspended.
(d) Sing in the talent show.

11. What do Nima's mother and her best friend's mother laugh about in "Overheard"?
(a) A joke about the American style of working.
(b) A joke about being tired of having children.
(c) A joke about a flower.
(d) Their own cooking of American dishes.

12. What does Nima often do by herself after school?
(a) Cook.
(b) Go to the library.
(c) Dance to music videos.
(d) Eat sweets.

13. What is different about the social lives of Nima and her best friend?
(a) Nima does not really have other friends, but her best friend does.
(b) Nima likes to dance with her friends, and her best friend likes to play sports.
(c) Nima's best friend likes to sing with her other friends, and Nima likes to do play sports with hers.
(d) Nima has a lot of other friends, but her best friend does not.

14. What language do Nima and Haitham often speak together when they are very young?
(a) Spanish.
(b) French.
(c) German.
(d) Arabic.

15. What does Haitham tell kids at school in an effort to defend Nima?
(a) Her father is the mayor.
(b) Her father is rich.
(c) Her father is a cop.
(d) Her father is dead.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nima see in "The Photograph"?

2. Where does Nima sit when she fantasizes about being someone else?

3. Who is Nima's best friend?

4. Who asks Nima and her best friend what they do all day?

5. What did Nima's mother once want to be?

(see the answer keys)

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