Home Fire Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Shamsie, Kamila
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Home Fire Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Shamsie, Kamila
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Seven .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What hashtags are trending on Twitter after Karamat's interview in Chapter Seven?

2. What is Terry Lone's profession?
(a) Public relations.
(b) Urdu translation.
(c) Interior design.
(d) Politics.

3. What had Karamat given Eamonn after Alice broke up with him?
(a) A speech about getting back up.
(b) Another woman's number.
(c) A trout.
(d) A halibut.

4. Where was the one holiday Aneeka has gone on?
(a) To Seattle.
(b) To Venice.
(c) To Rome.
(d) To Madrid.

5. What does Eamonn do in Chapter Four when he learns about Parviaz's leaving?
(a) Start smashing plants and tell Aneeka to get out.
(b) Tell her he is going to tell his father about her.
(c) Tell Aneeka he never loved her.
(d) Embrace Aneeka and tell her it will be ok.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aneeka say about Eamonn's father in Chapter Three?

2. What relic of their mother do one of the twins smash in anger?

3. What does Aneeka tell Eamonn about Parviaz in Chapter Three?

4. How many times has Aneeka called Eamonn in Chapter Four?

5. What adjectives does Isma use in her press interview to describe Parvaiz leaving?

(see the answer key)

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