Holidays on Ice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Holidays on Ice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Thaddeus Bristol compares the performance at Scottsfield Elementary School to what?
(a) Stale bread.
(b) Pumpkin pie.
(c) Overstuffed turkey.
(d) Mushy stuffing.

2. Thaddeus Bristol compares the three wise men to what in one performance?
(a) Three Stooges.
(b) Three babies.
(c) Three birds on a fence.
(d) Three amigoes.

3. The narrator has three grills: one for beef, one for chicken and one for ________.
(a) Oriental pancakes.
(b) Pork.
(c) Baked Alaska.
(d) Fish.

4. What do the Cottinghams die from in "Christmas Means Giving"?
(a) Pneumonia.
(b) Tuberculosis.
(c) Starvation.
(d) Cancer.

5. What kind of dog plays Blitzen in the Scottsfield Elementary School performance?
(a) Great Dane.
(b) Poodle.
(c) Golden retriever.
(d) Basset hound.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jim Timothy says the best stories are what?

2. The Cottinghams donate Eileen to _________.

3. To what charity did the narrator give $2 in "Christmas Means Giving"?

4. How old is the child that the mother performed surgery on, according to Jim Timothy?

5. How old is the director of "A Christmas Carol"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the great choice that Jim Timothy suggests the people of Jasper's Breath have in front of them?

2. How does Thaddeus Bristol rate Becky Michaels as a director?

3. How does Jim Timothy's studio gain the rights to real life stories?

4. What has been the trajectory of Jim Timothy's career?

5. Who is Jim Timothy addressing in "Based Upon A True Story"?

6. What happens one Thanksgiving when a beggar knocks on the narrator's door in "Christmas Means Giving"?

7. What do the Cottingham's usually send out as a Christmas card?

8. What do the Cottingham's and then narrator give to the beggar starting on the next Thanksgiving?

9. What does Thaddeus Bristol see as the irony in the Christmas pageants he critiques?

10. What happens when the Cottingham family move into next door to the narrator in "Christmas Means Giving"?

(see the answer keys)

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