Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What was Zero's mother at one point in time?
2. What did Gladys Tennyson run out of her house to tell Sam?
3. What does Mr. Sir do when he finally decides to fill Stanley's canteen?
4. What does Mr. Pendanski do to break up the fight between Zigzag and Stanley?
5. What happens when Stanley is in the water truck?
Short Essay Questions
1. What do Zigzag and the other boys do to Stanley to bait him into a fight?
2. How has Zero survived the harsh desert for so long when Stanley finds him?
3. What happens when the water truck comes to the dig site the afternoon Zero's replacement arrives?
4. Why does Stanley want to go back to camp so badly after finding Zero in the desert?
5. What does Zero discover about the metal case he and Stanley have found?
6. What happens when Zero & Stanley return to camp from the mountain?
7. What happens after Mr. Sir has filled Stanley's canteen for the first time?
8. Why does Stanley feel he needs to go back down the mountain, and what is making him hesitant to go?
9. Describe the boy that comes to Camp Green Lake to take Zero's place.
10. What do Zero and Stanley talk about being at the top of the mountain?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Why did Mr. Sir choose to refuse Stanly any water after Mr. Sir's sunflower seeds were taken? Could there have been better punishment? Describe Mr. Sir and Stanley's stand off regarding the water and what it's really about.
Essay Topic 2
Did Sam's onions have healing powers? Why did the people in the town go to see the doctor and take Sam's concoction? Why is it the only place in Green Lake that didn't dry up was Sam's onion field?
Essay Topic 3
1) List several of the boys in Tent D at Camp Green Lake. In what ways are these boys alike?In what ways are they different? Would each of the boys characters fall under "Bad" or "Good"?
This section contains 893 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |