Holes Test | Final Test - Medium

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Holes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Stanley is in the water truck?
(a) He is caught by Mr. Sir.
(b) He is bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard.
(c) He finds a map.
(d) He runs it into a hole.

2. What do the warden and other counselors do when they see the boys covered by deadly creatures in the hole?
(a) Go get gasoline.
(b) Call for help.
(c) Pull out their guns.
(d) Wait for the boys to die.

3. What does Zero figure out in his head to be 46?
(a) Stanley's days at camp.
(b) Mr. Pendanski's age.
(c) The best number to bet on at roulette.
(d) The amount of lizards per square mile.

4. What does Stanley do when Zero gives out while they are climbing the side of the mountain?
(a) Carries him.
(b) Tells him to wait there.
(c) Stops to rest with Zero.
(d) Pushes him over the side of the mountain.

5. Why do the Zero and Stanley wash their socks in the jars?
(a) So they won't contaminate the water they drink.
(b) To keep the socks cleaner.
(c) To keep bugs off the socks.
(d) To see if they can.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Zero doing while he and Stanley are trapped in the hole covered in deadly creatures?

2. What does Stanley do as Zero drifts off to sleep on the mountain?

3. What was Zero's mother at one point in time?

4. What do X-Ray and Zigzag offer Stanley mockingly?

5. What happens when the lawyer asks to see Zero's paperwork?

Short Essay Questions

1. What surprises Stanley as he walks across the desert after the water truck incident?

2. What stops the warden from taking the metal case from Zero and Stanley?

3. What happens when the attorney tries to get Stanley in the car to leave Camp Green Lake?

4. What happens when Zero is questioned about the reading lessons Stanley is giving him?

5. What happens when lightning crosses the dark desert sky?

6. Explain how it changes Stanley's situation that Zero is digging for Stanley an hour out of every day?

7. What do Zigzag and the other boys do to Stanley to bait him into a fight?

8. What do Zero and Stanley talk about being at the top of the mountain?

9. What does Stanley learn about Zero's past?

10. After recovering on top of the mountain, what do Zero and Stanley plan to do?

(see the answer keys)

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