Holes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Holes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Sir bandage Stanley with after Zigzag hurts Stanley while they are working in a hole together?
(a) A first-aid kit.
(b) A used handkerchief.
(c) A sunflower seed sack.
(d) An old dirty t-shirt.

2. What did Sarah sing to her son Stanley after he was born?
(a) A song about an apple tree.
(b) A song about a treasure.
(c) A song about Elya's travel to America.
(d) The pig lullaby.

3. What happened to Mary Lou after Sam was killed?
(a) She was eaten.
(b) She ran away.
(c) Kate managed to hide her.
(d) She was shot in the head.

4. Who does Mr. Pendanski say the boys have to blame for being at camp?
(a) The failed judicial system.
(b) Bad luck.
(c) Their parents.
(d) Themselves.

5. What is said to be true if a person can see the yellow spots on a yellow-spotted lizard?
(a) You can smell them.
(b) You are already dead.
(c) You need to run.
(d) You are looking at their belly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What nickname is Stanley given after he has dug his first hole?

2. What does Stanley find waiting for him when he gets back to camp in Part 1, Chapter 16?

3. What has Stanley been told he will win if he ever finds anything interesting while digging?

4. What does a boy comment on that makes Mr. Sir angry and results in Mr. Sir physically abusing the boy?

5. What does Stanley memorize before he is moved closer to the hole that X-Ray had been digging when he claimed to have found the tube?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the nickname Stanley gets at Camp Green Lake, and how does he get it?

2. What does the warden do since there was something found presumably where X-Ray had been digging?

3. Why did Elya go to Madam Zeroni for help?

4. What does the warden ask Stanley to bring her when Mr. Sir takes him in for stealing sunflower seeds?

5. How does Stanley's first day of digging go?

6. How does Mr. Sir punish Stanley even though Stanley doesn't say anything about Mr. Sir's discolored face?

7. Describe Kate Barlow and what she was known for in the town of Green Lake.

8. What happens during the digging the day after X-Ray supposedly had found the lipstick tube?

9. How did Kate and Sam get to know each other?

10. How does Stanley handle the fact that he is going to Camp Green Lake?

(see the answer keys)

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