Holes Test | Final Test - Easy

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Holes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Zero put the famous sneakers he stole that eventually got Stanley in trouble?
(a) He couldn't remember.
(b) Tied to a balloon.
(c) On top of a car.
(d) On a bridge.

2. What does Stanley find upside-down while walking through the desert alone?
(a) A horse.
(b) A boat.
(c) A jet ski.
(d) A house.

3. What was Brian yelling to Stanley while he was in the water truck?
(a) "Floor it!"
(b) "Get out!"
(c) "Put it in gear!"
(d) "Go! Go! Go!"

4. What is wrong with Zero when Stanley finds him after the water truck incident?
(a) He has heatstroke.
(b) He is sick to his stomach.
(c) He has a headache.
(d) He is dehydrated.

5. What makes Stanley think there isn't much hope at the top of the mountain?
(a) The bad smell.
(b) Stanley is unlucky.
(c) The lack of vegetation.
(d) The lack of animals.

6. What makes the other boys mad at Stanley?
(a) Mr. Pendanski is trying to be Stanley's friend
(b) Stanley gets extra water
(c) Zero is digging for Stanley
(d) The warden is giving Stanley special treatment

7. By Part 2, Chapter 42, what has happened to Stanley for the first time in his life that makes him happy?
(a) He has a friend and likes himself.
(b) He is free from his parents.
(c) He isn't sure.
(d) He feels that he can do anything.

8. Who comes to help Stanley when Zigzag is getting the better of Stanley in Part 2?
(a) X-Ray.
(b) Kate Barlow.
(c) Zero.
(d) Mr. Pendanski.

9. What does Zero say is written on the suitcase?
(a) Kate Barlow's name.
(b) The name of the City of Green Lake.
(c) A banks name.
(d) Stanley's name.

10. What reason does the lawyer say the warden can't check the suitcase?
(a) Stanley's name is on the suitcase.
(b) Stanley is not guilty or in their custody.
(c) Stanley has been through enough.
(d) The warden is under arrest.

11. Who appears when the Zero and Stanley unearth a large metal case?
(a) Kate Barlow.
(b) Mr. Sir.
(c) The warden.
(d) X-Ray.

12. What allows Stanley to see the rock that looks like a thumb against the night sky?
(a) Fireworks.
(b) Truck lights.
(c) Spot lights.
(d) Lightning.

13. What do the counselors do when Zero runs away?
(a) Destroy evidence that he was ever there.
(b) Have the other boys begin a search.
(c) Go looking for him.
(d) Call in the police.

14. What happens when the lawyer asks to see Zero's paperwork?
(a) Warden fakes a few pieces quickly.
(b) Zero realizes the lawyer is his mother.
(c) Zero is found to be kidnapped .
(d) None can be found.

15. What did Gladys Tennyson run out of her house to tell Sam?
(a) That he shouldn't get involved with a white woman.
(b) That his medicine cured her daughter.
(c) She wanted to buy his mule, Mary Lou.
(d) That she wanted to buy more of his medicine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Stanley is in the water truck?

2. What did Zero do that got him put in Camp Green Lake?

3. What reason does the warden give for needing to check Stanley's suitcase?

4. What was Kate missing when Trout and Linda forced her into the desert?

5. What do the warden and other counselors do when they see the boys covered by deadly creatures in the hole?

(see the answer keys)

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