Holes Test | Final Test - Easy

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Holes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When would Zero go to homeless shelters?
(a) When he was scared.
(b) When he was hungry.
(c) When he felt sad.
(d) Only in bad weather.

2. What do the warden and other counselors do when they see the boys covered by deadly creatures in the hole?
(a) Go get gasoline.
(b) Pull out their guns.
(c) Call for help.
(d) Wait for the boys to die.

3. What does Zero figure out in his head to be 46?
(a) The amount of lizards per square mile.
(b) Mr. Pendanski's age.
(c) The best number to bet on at roulette.
(d) Stanley's days at camp.

4. Where did Zero put the famous sneakers he stole that eventually got Stanley in trouble?
(a) Tied to a balloon.
(b) On top of a car.
(c) On a bridge.
(d) He couldn't remember.

5. What does Mr. Pendanski do to break up the fight between Zigzag and Stanley?
(a) Fires his gun.
(b) Throws water on them.
(c) Gets the warden.
(d) Starts hitting the kids.

6. What do X-Ray and Zigzag offer Stanley mockingly?
(a) Their food.
(b) Their cots.
(c) Their place in line for water.
(d) Their spare socks.

7. What does Mr. Pendanski say Stanley should be trying to teach reading to rather than Zero?
(a) A shovel.
(b) Mr. Sir.
(c) A rock.
(d) A lizard.

8. What is Brian sent to Camp Green Lake for?
(a) Stripping cars of hub caps.
(b) Assault.
(c) Stealing a car.
(d) Vandalism.

9. How does Zero make sure he and Stanley find the right hole on their way back to camp after being on the mountain?
(a) They play eenie-meenie-minie-moe.
(b) They look for a fossilized rock.
(c) He makes a map on his clean socks.
(d) A diagram.

10. What does Stanley do as Zero drifts off to sleep on the mountain?
(a) Sings him a lullaby.
(b) Covers Zero up.
(c) Digs a hole for better water.
(d) Goes in search of other food.

11. What fills some of the holes that Stanley jumps over while walking through the desert alone after the water truck incident?
(a) Rattlesnakes.
(b) Yellow-spotted lizards.
(c) Scorpions.
(d) Alligators.

12. What do Stanley and Zero joke is waiting for them on the top of the mountain?
(a) An ice cream shop.
(b) An all-you-can-eat-buffet.
(c) Home.
(d) An Italian restaurant.

13. Who does Pendanski blame the fight between Zigzag and Standley on?
(a) Zero.
(b) Kate Barlow.
(c) Stanley.
(d) Zigzag.

14. What was Zero's mother at one point in time?
(a) A nun.
(b) A policewoman.
(c) A baby sitter.
(d) A Girl Scout.

15. What did Zero do that got him put in Camp Green Lake?
(a) Snuck into a hotel.
(b) Stole a new pair of sneakers.
(c) Stole a bike.
(d) Stole a candy bar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What killed Kate Barlow?

2. Who appears when the Zero and Stanley unearth a large metal case?

3. What makes the other boys mad at Stanley?

4. What does Stanley tell Zero the onion is that they find atop the mountain?

5. What does Mr. Pendanski tell Stanley to do when Zigzag is taunting him in Part 2?

(see the answer keys)

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