Holes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Holes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Stanley try to keep to himself?
(a) He thinks the boys are low class.
(b) The boys are dangerous.
(c) He has t0o many friends.
(d) The warden convinces him it is best that way.

2. What does Mr. Sir take Stanley to the warden for in Part 1, Chapter 20?
(a) Lying about where the lipstick was found.
(b) Stealing sunflower seeds.
(c) Trying to run away.
(d) Stealing the water truck.

3. What does Mr. Pendanski say is the one real rule at Camp Green Lake?
(a) Don't speak unless spoken to.
(b) Dig fast and steady.
(c) Stay away from the snakes.
(d) Don't upset the warden.

4. Why does Stanley decide to make the deal with X-Ray to give him anything he finds?
(a) Because Stanley and X-Ray are friends.
(b) Because X-Ray is the leader of the boys.
(c) Because Stanley and X-Ray want to know what what the warden wants.
(d) Because Stanley is afraid of X-Ray.

5. What did Sarah sing to her son Stanley after he was born?
(a) A song about an apple tree.
(b) A song about a treasure.
(c) A song about Elya's travel to America.
(d) The pig lullaby.

6. How did Stanley's great-grandfather make his fortune?
(a) Stock Market.
(b) Livestock Market.
(c) Mafia.
(d) Gambling.

7. What has Stanley been told he will win if he ever finds anything interesting while digging?
(a) An extra plate of food.
(b) An extra hour of sleep.
(c) The rest of the day off.
(d) An extra glass of water.

8. Who does Stanley's family say is the cause of their bad luck?
(a) Stanley's great-great-grandfather.
(b) Stanley's old girl friend.
(c) Madame Zeroni.
(d) Stanley's great-great-grandmother.

9. What was Sam known as in the town of Green Lake?
(a) The Thief.
(b) The Lizard Man.
(c) The Onion Man.
(d) The Second Doctor.

10. What does Stanley find in the hole he is digging on the third day and gives to X-Ray?
(a) An old shoe.
(b) The fortune.
(c) A tube of lipstick.
(d) A map.

11. What nickname is Stanley given after he has dug his first hole?
(a) Short-stuff.
(b) Mole.
(c) Caveman.
(d) Wimp.

12. What was Kate Barlow known for making?
(a) Fig preserves.
(b) Grape jelly.
(c) Spiced peaches.
(d) Apple dumplings.

13. What is Mr. Pendanski's response to the rock with the fish fossil?
(a) He is angry.
(b) He is happy.
(c) He does a jig.
(d) He is uninterested.

14. Who does Mr. Pendanski say the boys have to blame for being at camp?
(a) Themselves.
(b) The failed judicial system.
(c) Their parents.
(d) Bad luck.

15. What happens to Stanley over time at the camp?
(a) He begins to get sick.
(b) He grows stronger.
(c) He starts to hate the camp.
(d) He makes friends with Mr. Pendanski.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stanley find odd about his hole when he returns to the dig site after Mr. Sir took him to get in trouble with the warden?

2. What is not true about the yellow-spotted lizards?

3. What does the warden try to get the boys to do the day after the lipstick is brought to the warden's attention?

4. What happened to Mary Lou after Sam was killed?

5. What does Zero give Stanley in return for teaching him something?

(see the answer keys)

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