Hole in My Life Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hole in My Life Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Section 3, Chapter 3, Gantos attended his hearing and the judge was read Gantos' own admission from what source?
(a) His cellmate's affidavit.
(b) His arrest warrant.
(c) Ship's log.
(d) His sworn statement.

2. Gantos's father asked him to sign over _____________ in Section 3, Chapter 3?
(a) His mortgage.
(b) His stocks.
(c) His bank accounts.
(d) Insurance papers for his car.

3. In Section 3, Chapter 4, Gantos was sent to a federal prison in what city?
(a) Ashland, Kentucky.
(b) Provo, Utah.
(c) Austin, Texas.
(d) Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

4. Where did Hamilton and Gantos stay in New York in Section 2, Chapter 4?
(a) The Pines Hotel.
(b) The Aurora Hotel.
(c) The Chelsea Hotel.
(d) The Tiffany Hotel.

5. When Gantos viewed his own medical file in Section 3, Chapter 6, he saw that the parole board had called him what?
(a) Uncooperative.
(b) A danger to himself and others.
(c) Rebellious.
(d) Mentally unstable.

Short Answer Questions

1. What caseworker of Gantos was removed in Section 3, Chapter 7?

2. After Gantos was finally paid, Rik offered him another job to sail to what country?

3. The DA offered Gantos a deal where he could __________ and receive a lighter sentence.

4. Gantos realized that in high school he couldn't write because of what reason?

5. What sentence did Gantos receive in Section 3, Chapter 3?

Short Essay Questions

1. What deal was Gantos offered by the DA in Section 3, Chapter 1? What was Gantos's response?

2. What position did Gantos secure in the hospital after he was cleared of lice?

3. What did Gantos learn from his family in Section 3, Chapter 1? What actions did he take at his father's advice?

4. Discuss the sexual violence described in Section 3, Chapter 3. How did Gantos avoid rape?

5. What does Gantos write about "escape stories" in Section 3, Chapter 7?

6. What did Gantos discover when he read his own medical file in Section 3, Chapter 6? How did he react?

7. Why did Gantos not return for the hash he had hidden? How does he describe this temptation in Section 3, Chapter 8?

8. When was Gantos released from prison in Section 3, Chapter 7? What were the conditions of his release?

9. What did Gantos learn about the charges against him in Section 3, Chapter 1?

10. Where did Gantos go after his prison release in Section 3, Chapter 7? Where did he live and work?

(see the answer keys)

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