Hole in My Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hole in My Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Section 2, Chapter 1, Gantos's father's construction business was failing as a result of _________.
(a) Racial tensions.
(b) Bad publicity.
(c) A tropical storm.
(d) A ruined economy.

2. Why was Jack Gantos unable to attend school in San Juan?
(a) He did not speak Spanish.
(b) He was an illegal alien.
(c) He followed the wrong religion.
(d) He had a rare disease.

3. When a friend invited Gantos to a party to smoke marijuana, what did he end up doing once he'd arrived?
(a) Passing out in the bathtub.
(b) Drinking heavily until 4 a.m.
(c) Drinking a few beers and leaving.
(d) Talking to a dog in the backyard.

4. Where did Gantos arrive just as a tropical storm hit?
(a) Key West, Florida.
(b) Tallahassee, Florida.
(c) St. Croix.
(d) St. John.

5. To what was the third section of Gantos' journal dedicated?
(a) Inspired ideas for books.
(b) Passages from books that inspire him.
(c) Vocabulary practice.
(d) Daily entries.

Short Answer Questions

1. The woman who ran the hotel where Gantos lived during his senior year in high school claimed to be related to whom?

2. What refers to preparations of the cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug and as medicine?

3. Where is San Juan located?

4. What does Gantos refer to as men in prison who thrived on pain and suffering?

5. In what city in Florida did Gantos finish high school?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Gantos and Rik pack in the crate? How was Gantos paid?

2. Where did Gantos and Hamilton find fuel in Section 2, Chapter 3? Why was it necessary?

3. What did Gantos do instead of departing for St. Croix?

4. How does the author describe St. Croix upon his arrival in Section 2, Chapter 1?

5. How does Gantos describe his school in Fort Lauderdale? What was Gantos like among his schoolmates?

6. Describe Gantos's experience with drugs in high school. What did he think of the experience?

7. What did Hamilton and the Japanese exchange as thank you gifts? How was it transported?

8. Where did Gantos's family send him to finish high school? Why did he leave this home?

9. How was Gantos inspired by the writing of Jack Kerouac in Section 1, Chapter 4?

10. How old was Gantos when he began working full-time? How does he describe the work and his lifestyle in Section 1, Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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