Hole in My Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hole in My Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Jack Gantos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Section 3, Chapter 7, Gantos was given a release date of December 18th, nearly how many months after his incarceration?
(a) 36.
(b) 15.
(c) 24.
(d) 12.

2. In New York, Gantos stayed in their old room at the hotel and discovered nearly everything was still in the room, except _______________.
(a) The ship's log.
(b) His watch.
(c) A table.
(d) A chair.

3. In Section 3, Chapter 6, Gantos counted off the days of his sentence, with which days being the worst?
(a) Sundays.
(b) Fridays.
(c) Saturdays.
(d) Wednesdays.

4. Where did Hamilton and Gantos find a docking point in Section 2, Chapter 4?
(a) Queens, New York.
(b) Manhattan, New York.
(c) Long Island, New York.
(d) The Bronx, New York.

5. When Gantos received his minimum security custody rating, who offered to take him on furlough in Section 3, Chapter 7?
(a) Mr. Casey.
(b) Mr. Newman.
(c) Mr. Bow.
(d) Mr. Wilcox.

6. Where was the lawyer Gantos's father had contacted to work for Gantos?
(a) New York.
(b) Hartford.
(c) Boston.
(d) Buffalo.

7. While others slept, what did Gantos do to avoid what he believed to be certain death or capture in Section 2, Chapter 4?
(a) Sat in a barn.
(b) Sneaked into the woods.
(c) Hid in the bathroom.
(d) Slept in the car.

8. As Gantos passed the hotel's lobby on the last day of the operation, who was being accosted by the FBI?
(a) Rik.
(b) Mr. Bacon.
(c) The bellhop.
(d) Hamilton.

9. Who looked on as Gantos was taken by the bailiff in Section 3, Chapter 3?
(a) Gantos's mother.
(b) Gantos's brother.
(c) Gantos's uncle.
(d) Gantos's father.

10. According to the DA, who had taken aerial photos of the boat?
(a) FBI.
(b) Private pilot.
(c) Coast Guard.
(d) United Airlines.

11. After Gantos was finally paid, Rik offered him another job to sail to what country?
(a) Iceland.
(b) Canada.
(c) Spain.
(d) England.

12. Gantos realized in Section 3, Chapter 6, that it was only when he was unable to __________that he was finally able to see his own worth and nurture his own writing.
(a) Daydream.
(b) Blame others.
(c) Run away.
(d) Blame himself.

13. In Section 3, Chapter 2, what did Gantos read in his spare time?
(a) Celebrity magazines.
(b) Prison literature.
(c) Newspapers.
(d) Sports magazines.

14. Who mailed Gantos's college applications from his home so that he could avoid a Department of Corrections stamp in Section 3, Chapter 7?
(a) Mr. Casey.
(b) Mr. Newman.
(c) Mr. Bow.
(d) Mr. Wilcox.

15. During his initial interview with his lawyer, Gantos learned he was being prosecuted federally for several charges and each carried a sentence of _____________.
(a) 20 years.
(b) 10 years.
(c) 3 years.
(d) 5 years.

Short Answer Questions

1. The DA offered Gantos a deal where he could __________ and receive a lighter sentence.

2. When Gantos viewed his own medical file in Section 3, Chapter 6, he saw that his case worker had called him __________________.

3. Hamilton and Gantos stayed in a hotel that had previously housed a great number of _____________.

4. In what state was Gantos's father when he visited Gantos in prison in Section 3, Chapter 6?

5. To what city did Gantos travel after he was released from prison?

(see the answer keys)

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