The Hobbit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hobbit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Thorin learn that Bilbo was the one who gave the Arkenstone to Bard and the Elvenking?
(a) Bilbo confesses to giving it to them.
(b) Thorin finds Bilbo's distinctive footprints leading out of the stronghold.
(c) Bard tells Thorin where he got the Arkenstone from.
(d) A raven who saw Bilbo going to the camp tells him.

2. How can the dwarves and Bilbo reach the third camp outside the 'doorstep'?
(a) Only by ropes - no other way is possible.
(b) By floating along the river.
(c) Either by a narrow path along the edge of a precipice or by ropes.
(d) On horseback.

3. What makes Bilbo drop his torch after finding the Arkenstone?
(a) A bat startles him.
(b) He believes the dragon is coming back and wants to hide.
(c) He is so surprised when he sees the Arkenstone that he drops the torch.
(d) He trips over a necklace of pearls.

4. Which of the following does Bard not use as a reason why the dwarves should share the treasure with the people of Laketown?
(a) Bard was the one who actually killed the dragon.
(b) Some of the treasure came from Dale and belonged to Bard's ancestors.
(c) The people of Laketown helped the dwarves when the dwarves were in need, but are now in need themselves.
(d) The dragon had a lot of treasure, so there is plenty for all to share.

5. What is the other name for the Arkenstone?
(a) The Heart of the Mountain.
(b) The Mountain of Light.
(c) The Heart of Darkness.
(d) The Heart of the Dragon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Apart from the dragon, what other animals live inside the Lonely Mountain?

2. Who carries the wooden casket holding the Arkenstone to the parley with Thorin?

3. Which of the following does Thorin not threaten to do to Bilbo in Chapter 17?

4. How does the Elvenking react to the sight of the Arkenstone?

5. What happened to Thorin's sword Orcrist?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Bombur remain in the lower camp with the ponies and supplies in Chapter 11?

2. What effect does the sight of the treasure have on the dwarves?

3. How do Bilbo and the dwarves know that they have successfully found the secret entrance into the mountain?

4. What details are given in Chapter 11 as hints to an alert reader that the one chance of finding the keyhole is about to present itself?

5. How does Bilbo's attitude differ from that of the dwarves in Chapter 9?

6. Describe what the Master of Laketown is like in your own words.

7. Why does Smaug laugh when Bilbo tells him that revenge is one of the motives of their quest?

8. What dreams or legends do the Lakemen have regarding the King Under the Mountain and Smaug?

9. What is the dwarves' original plan or strategy?

10. Upon what does Bard the Bowman base his claim to a share of the dragon's treasure?

(see the answer keys)

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