The Hobbit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hobbit Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which pair of dwarves are the youngest?
(a) Fili and Kili.
(b) Dori and Nori.
(c) Balin and Dwalin.
(d) Oin and Gloin.

2. Why did the wargs come to the clearing where the adventurers were?
(a) The goblins had sent the wargs to hunt down the adventurers.
(b) The wolves were running away from the woodsmen who had settled in the area.
(c) They were going to meet the goblins so they could go raiding together.
(d) The wargs could smell the adventurers and came to hunt them.

3. Which dwarf puts up the most fight when the trolls try to capture him?
(a) Thorin.
(b) Balin.
(c) Gloin.
(d) Bombur.

4. Why do the goblins not find Bilbo after he is knocked unconscious?
(a) They have all been killed by Gandalf's magic.
(b) The are too busy looking at the dwarves and Gandalf.
(c) He is lying quietly in a dark corner.
(d) They see him, but do not bother with him.

5. How does Bilbo find food while skulking around in the Elvenking's palace?
(a) He takes it out of the barrels sent to Esgaroth.
(b) He slips out through the magic gates and goes hunting.
(c) He steals it from the stores or the table when nobody is looking.
(d) He scrounges it off the rubbish heaps of the elves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of enchantments is Gandalf especially good at?

2. What will happen if Bilbo loses the riddle contest?

3. What does Elrond dislike about dwarves?

4. What special ability does Beorn have?

5. What sort of elves have taken Thorin prisoner?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is significant about Bombur's (and Bilbo's) dreams while in their enchanted slumbers?

2. What accident do the travelers experience in Chapter 6 that turns out to be in their favor?

3. Why do the adventurers take shelter in the cave in Chapter 4?

4. What significant turning point in Bilbo's personal development occurs during the events of Chapter 8, and how does it change Bilbo?

5. Why does Bilbo decide to pick William the troll's pocket?

6. What is special about the swords that Gandalf and Thorin took from the trolls' hoard of plunder?

7. Why does Bilbo arrive at the Green Dragon without a hat, walking stick or handkerchief, or anything else for the journey?

8. How many ways can Gandalf find of interpreting Bilbo's use of the phrase "Good Morning" and what are the different possible meanings?

9. What does Bilbo discover about his sword and how does he discover this?

10. Why are the wargs (wolves) in the woods that night in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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