The Hobbit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hobbit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 12, who volunteers to come some of the way down the tunnel with Bilbo?
(a) Fili.
(b) Balin.
(c) Kili.
(d) Thorin.

2. What does Thorin take as armor and weapons from the hoard of Smaug's treasure?
(a) Silver armour, a belt set with rubies and a black mace set with diamonds.
(b) A coat of gold-plated rings, an axe with a silver haft and a belt encrusted with scarlet stones.
(c) Spears with the heads inlaid with gold, an emerald-studded shield and a crown.
(d) A coat of silver mail, a helmet encrusted with diamonds and an ivory bow.

3. Why do most of the arrows shot at Smaug have no effect on him?
(a) Smaug flies so high and fast that no arrows can reach him.
(b) Smag has a magic of his own that makes him invulnerable.
(c) The arrows either bounce off his scales and diamond encrusted underbelly, or he incinerates them with his fiery breath.
(d) The wind from Smaug's wings makes all the arrows miss their targets.

4. Why do the people of Lake-town destroy the bridges as a defense against the onslaught of the dragon?
(a) The bridges are the only part of the town that is vulnerable to dragon-fire.
(b) The Master ordered them to do so in the hopes that his rival, Bard, would be killed.
(c) The dragon can then only attack them from the air (which makes him vulnerable to arrows) or have his fire quenched by the cold water of the lake.
(d) They are attempting to fool the dragon into thinking they have left the town.

5. What is the name of the hill close to where the dwarves and Bilbo make their first camp approaching the Lonely Mountain?
(a) Dale.
(b) Ravenhill.
(c) Dragonmount.
(d) Ravensdown.

6. What gift does Bard the Bowman give to the Elvenking?
(a) All the crowns that could be found in Smaug's treasure.
(b) The emeralds that had belonged to King Girion of Dale.
(c) The rubies that had belonged to Bard's ancestors.
(d) A chest full of diamonds.

7. Which of the following methods do the dwarves not use in an attempt to open the secret door before the keyhole is revealed?
(a) Beating on the stone and pushing at the cliff face.
(b) Throwing loose rocks at the cliff face.
(c) Reciting spells that can open locked doors.
(d) Using pickaxes to break through the stone.

8. What type of birds inhabit the area of the mountain and valleys closest to the Front Gate?
(a) Crows.
(b) None - the dragon has eaten them all.
(c) Thrushes.
(d) Ravens.

9. Why is Bard astonished when the thrush lands on his shoulder?
(a) He can understand its speech.
(b) The thrush is the emblem on his family coat of arms.
(c) He thought all the thrushes in the area had been killed by the dragon.
(d) He believes the thrush is a spy of the dragon's sent to distract his aim.

10. Why can Bard understand the speech of the thrush?
(a) It was a special, magical thrush that could make any human that spoke to it understand.
(b) The thrush spoke Bard's native language.
(c) His ancestors came from Dale, where the people had the power of understanding the speech of birds.
(d) He has studied the language of birds and is used to it.

11. Who is supposed to be on watch when Bilbo steals out of the stronghold to the elves and Lakemen?
(a) Bombur.
(b) Dwalin.
(c) Thorin.
(d) Kili.

12. How do the dwarves manage to obtain three ponies in Chapter 15?
(a) They capture and tame wild ponies that were living in the area.
(b) Dain from the Iron Hills sends the ponies to help Thorin.
(c) Bilbo steals the ponies off the Lakemen using his magic ring.
(d) They find that three of the ponies escaped from the dragon and were wandering down the river.

13. What is the name of Dain's father?
(a) Thorin.
(b) Carc.
(c) Nain.
(d) Thrain.

14. How old is Roac the raven?
(a) 153.
(b) 135.
(c) We are not told.
(d) 300.

15. Who does Bilbo meet unexpectedly in the camp of the elves and Lakemen?
(a) Gollum.
(b) Gandalf.
(c) Thorin.
(d) Beorn.,

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Smaug react with such great fury in Chapter 12?

2. How does the Elvenking react to the sight of the Arkenstone?

3. How does Thorin learn that Bilbo was the one who gave the Arkenstone to Bard and the Elvenking?

4. What mistaken belief is held by the younger people of Laketown?

5. For whom was the armor Bilbo is rewarded with in Chapter 13 originally made?

(see the answer keys)

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