The Hobbit Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hobbit Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Beorn doing when Gandalf and Bilbo arrive at his house?
(a) Churning butter.
(b) Extracting honey from his hives.
(c) Shearing sheep.
(d) Chopping wood.

2. What stops Bilbo from going forward in the dark tunnels in Chapter 5?
(a) He comes to the edge of a subterranean lake.
(b) He blunders into a dead end.
(c) He hears goblins going fishing.
(d) Gollum catches him.

3. Which of the following does not happen when one of the adventurers steps into the ring of lights surrounding the elves' feast?
(a) The adventurers become confused and disoriented.
(b) The fire erupts in a shower of sparks.
(c) The lights magically go out.
(d) The elves begin singing an eerie tune.

4. What phase of the moon is showing when Elrond studies the map?
(a) A crescent moon.
(b) A full moon.
(c) A gibbous moon.
(d) A new moon.

5. What wakes Bilbo up from his sleep after he realizes he is alone in Chapter 8, after coming across the elves' feast?
(a) The hunting horn of the elf king.
(b) The shouts and cries of the dwarves.
(c) A spider, which is trying to wrap him up in sticky thread.
(d) A high-pitched buzzing noise made by a fly attempting to escape from the spiders.

6. What first alerts the Lord of the Eagles to the events in the wood?
(a) The line of goblin soldiers marching towards the forest.
(b) A magical message from Gandalf.
(c) The howling of the wolves.
(d) The flames in the forest.

7. What does Bilbo not tell the dwarves about his adventures inside the tunnels?
(a) That Gollum wanted to eat him if he lost the riddle contest.
(b) That his little sword is an elvish blade like Glamdring and Orcrist.
(c) That he had pity on Gollum and did not kill him when he had the chance.
(d) That he now has a ring that makes him invisible when he puts it on.

8. What is the name of the inn where the dwarves meet Bilbo in Chapter 2?
(a) The Bridge and Bottle.
(b) The Green Dragon.
(c) The Golden Perch.
(d) The Prancing Pony.

9. Whose hood and cloak does Bilbo borrow?
(a) Gandalf's.
(b) Gloin's.
(c) Dwalin's.
(d) Thorin's.

10. What was the final fate of the ponies?
(a) The goblins used them to draw carts in the mines.
(b) The goblins ate them.
(c) They escaped back to Rivendell.
(d) They starved to death.

11. What sort of drink does Gandalf ask Bilbo to get him in Chapter 1?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Porter.
(c) Beer.
(d) Red wine.

12. What animals does Bilbo sense as he wanders through the dark tunnels in Chapter 5?
(a) None - the goblins have eaten everything alive.
(b) Fish.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Bats.

13. What does Bilbo learn about his sword in Chapter 5?
(a) It helps him see in the dark.
(b) It acts as a compass so he does not lose his sense of direction.
(c) He can use it like a match to make fire.
(d) It is an elvish blade like Glamdring and Orcrist.

14. What was the name of Bilbo's mother?
(a) Bluebell Belladonna.
(b) Lobelia Sackville-Baggins.
(c) Belladonna Took.
(d) Rosemary Took.

15. What does Gollum eat?
(a) Fish and mushrooms.
(b) Fish and goblins.
(c) Bats and spiders.
(d) Ponies and goblins.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Bilbo see first after escaping Gollum and the dark tunnels?

2. What will happen if Bilbo loses the riddle contest?

3. Who found the cave in Chapter 4?

4. What foodstuffs do the adventurers take from the troll's cave for breakfast?

5. Why can't the dwarves hear the goblins coming?

(see the answer keys)

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