H.M.S. Surprise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

H.M.S. Surprise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the losses suffered by the H.M.S. Surprise and the China fleet in their encounter with Linois?
(a) Aubrey is the only man wounded.
(b) No damage.
(c) Only one sailor is killed.
(d) A few dead, more wounded, and damage to the ship.

2. What does Aubrey realize when he returns to the China fleet?
(a) The China fleet sumpathizes with the French.
(b) The China fleet is not able to help him.
(c) He is completely fooled the French armada.
(d) The French armada finds the China fleet as well.

3. What does Maturin think of this visit to the foretop?
(a) He is too depressed to enjoy the view.
(b) He is afraid of heights.
(c) It is beautiful and he plans to return often.
(d) He is unimpressed with the view.

4. Who represents the East India Company in Calcutta?
(a) Mr. Atkins.
(b) Bowes.
(c) Commodore Moffit.
(d) Canning.

5. Atkins and Stanhope are lectured about sailing by what man?
(a) Bonden.
(b) Aubrey.
(c) Maturin.
(d) Mr. Smith.

6. Who is fatally injured during the duel in chapter ten?
(a) M'Alister.
(b) Canning.
(c) Etherege.
(d) Aubrey.

7. When they meet, what does Diana tell Maturin about her relationship with Canning?
(a) Canning still loves his wife.
(b) Canning makes her happy.
(c) They often fight.
(d) Canning is running out of money.

8. While in Bombay, what does Maturin learn becomes of Sophie's sisters?
(a) They are both married.
(b) They both find jobs as governesses.
(c) They move to Scotland.
(d) One sister is pregnant and the other runs away.

9. What gift does Maturin make to Dil?
(a) Maturin gives Dil money so she can leave Bombay.
(b) Maturin helps Dil's family find better living quarters.
(c) Maturin promisies to fund Dil's education at a boarding school.
(d) To help make her future more secure, Maturin gives Dil expensive silver bracelets.

10. What threat does Aubrey make in respect to Maturin?
(a) To tell Canning of Maturin's intentions.
(b) To leave Bombay without Maturin.
(c) To ruin Maturin.
(d) To have Maturin arrested.

11. In Bombay, does Maturin's logic convince Aubrey that he should not worry about Sophie's impressions?
(a) Aubrey decides not to worry.
(b) Aubrey does not understand Maturin.
(c) Mr. White explains Maturin's logic.
(d) Aubrey is not convinced.

12. At the end of chapter six, where does the ship arrive at harbor?
(a) Singapore.
(b) Bombay.
(c) Santiago, Chile.
(d) Barbados.

13. Who surprises Maturin and Diana with an early arrival?
(a) Stanhope.
(b) Canning.
(c) Dil.
(d) Bonden.

14. Which enemy ship does Aubrey think equals in battle to the H.M.S. Surprise?
(a) Symillante.
(b) China fleet's flagship.
(c) Belle Poule.
(d) H.M.S. Surprise has no equal.

15. What is Maturin's understanding of Stanhope's deteriorating health?
(a) He gives up on Stanhope.
(b) He fears Stanhope is contagious.
(c) He thinks only a hospital can save Stanhope.
(d) He decides only surgery will help.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Aubrey and Maturin are up in the foretop, what sighting does the crew make?

2. What is the general attitude towards Mr. Atkins?

3. Who acts as Maturin's second?

4. What fleet does the H.M.S. Surprise engage in battle with?

5. What maneuvering is involved in getting Maturin and his patient to their destination?

(see the answer keys)

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