H.M.S. Surprise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

H.M.S. Surprise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does the rescue of Maturin take?
(a) It takes three days for them to safely get away.
(b) The entire rescue is accomplished in one night.
(c) The rescue becomes a two day ordeal.
(d) They get away after a week.

2. Why is Jack Aubrey familiar with Port Mahon?
(a) He once lives at Port Mahon.
(b) He vacations there with Sophia.
(c) He visits Maturin's nearby estate.
(d) He meets Diana Villiers there.

3. To what kind of lecture does Maturin go to in Chapter one?
(a) A lecture on insects.
(b) Political lecture.
(c) Bird watching lecture.
(d) A lecture on human anatomy.

4. Nicolls confesses what to Maturin on their journey?
(a) He has strange medical symptoms.
(b) He is engaged in adultery.
(c) He talks about his early life as a thief.
(d) He wants to command his own ship.

5. Where does Sophie's meeting with Maturin in chapter one take place?
(a) Mapes Court.
(b) Home of Captain Jack Aubrey.
(c) Cafe near Sophie's home.
(d) Sophie's cousin's estate.

6. What is the coast like where Aubrey goes ashore at Minorca?
(a) Deserted area of the coast.
(b) Small French fort.
(c) Sheltered cove near the shipbuilding yard.
(d) Bustling port city.

7. Where does Aubrey meet with Sophie when he leaves the Grapes?
(a) In Aubrey's ship quarters.
(b) At Sophie's home.
(c) At a deserted crossroads.
(d) At Maturin's estate.

8. In chapter two, where is Maturin imprisoned?
(a) In London.
(b) On a French ship.
(c) Stockade near Paris.
(d) Port Mahon.

9. When Aubrey first goes ashore on Minorca, who approaches him and wants to talk about Maturin?
(a) Joan Maragall.
(b) Maturin's brother.
(c) An island native.
(d) Governor of the island.

10. What problems, if any, does the inspection of the H.M.S. Surprise uncover?
(a) Stanhope's official papers are missing.
(b) The inspection doesn't find any problems.
(c) Silver is missing from the captain's quarters.
(d) The stored sails begin to mold.

11. In chapter five, does the envoy Stanhope enjoy his voyage on H.M.S. Surprise?
(a) He is enthusiastic about serving on the crew.
(b) He is very ill and unhappy.
(c) He is in constant fear that the French are after him.
(d) He gets joy from the beautiful scenery.

12. In chapter one, under what circumstances do Sir Joseph Blain, Admiral Harte, and various other political and military figures meet?
(a) Funeral of the King of England.
(b) Ball thrown for the young hero Captain Jack Aubrey.
(c) Quarters of Harte on H.M.S. Lively.
(d) Meeting of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.

13. What is the probable fate of many prisoners freed along with Maturin?
(a) They are recaptured and put to death.
(b) They join the crew of H.M.S. Lively.
(c) They swim to a nearby island.
(d) They die of torture injuries.

14. In chapter one, why is Diana Villiers' recent relationship with a man such a scandal?
(a) Her lover is a priest.
(b) Her lover is a married man.
(c) She is still married.
(d) Her lover is also her cousin.

15. Why does the First Lord's mention of Stephen Maturin shock and dismay Sir Joseph Blain?
(a) Maturin's identity as intelligence agent is leaked.
(b) It's inappropriate to mention criminal activity.
(c) Sir Joseph is jealous of Maturin's fame.
(d) Maturin's case is already settled.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of the book, with whom is Dr. Stephen Maturin recently involved romantically?

2. What is special about Sundays and debts in early 1800s England?

3. Who is Fanshaw?

4. After the prison rescue, how long do Aubrey and his men wait before leaving Port Mahon?

5. Whom do Aubrey and his men plan to free at Port Mahon?

(see the answer keys)

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