History of the Peloponnesian War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

History of the Peloponnesian War Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What area remains as the seat of power after the defeat at Syracuse?
(a) The Attica-Euboea-Boeotia-Peloponnesus Theater
(b) Persia and Corinth.
(c) Samos, Chios, and Sardis.
(d) Athens and the Delian League.

2. What is Alcibiades able to do in the Peloponnesus?
(a) Establish new strongholds
(b) Create an Athenian-dominated, anti-Spartan alliance.
(c) Form a successful naval blockade
(d) Surround Sparta

3. What makes it plausible that Thucydides begins his history from first-hand knowledge?
(a) He is a wealthy Athenian and general in the early days of the war.
(b) His father is Athenian and his mother is from Sparta.
(c) He is associated with the highest levels of diplomacy in the early days.
(d) He is a financier who has connections in high places.

4. Why is Alcibiades not brought to trial immediately after the vandalism for which he is blamed?
(a) The fleet leaves and he goes with it.
(b) Many people do not believe he has anything to do with it.
(c) The government is slow to collect evidence.
(d) The statute of limitations runs out.

5. What happens in Attica during the time of the battle at Amphipolis?
(a) The Crocyrans launch a successful attack.
(b) The farmers are allowed to return to their fields.
(c) All of Attica is annexed by Sparta.
(d) The Boeotians enjoy military success in Attica.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the significance of Thucydides' inclusion of the story of Aristogiton and Harmodius?

2. What removes Syracuse, Sicily, and Italy from the text of Thucydides' history?

3. How do scholars from other disciplines consider the value of Thucydides' work?

4. What serious setback happens to Athens in 413 BC?

5. After the demise of Athenian democracy, what political force gains control?

Short Essay Questions

1. What shift in the balance of power occurred immediately after the disastrous defeat of the Athenian army and navy at Syracuse?

2. Besides a war history, what value is placed on the History of the Peloponnesian War?

3. What unusual event transpired at Amphipolis in 422 BC and how did Thucydides view the results?

4. Aside from the disintegration of Athens and its allies, what was the political/military condition of the Grecian world in 412 BC?

5. What shenanigan was attributed to Alcibiades prior to his setting sail for Sicily?

6. What unusual twist of fortune occurred for Alcibiades in 411 BC?

7. How did the peace of Nicias finally break down?

8. What commonly held belief did Thucydides reject but observed its impact on the war?

9. During the so-called peace of Nicias, what marked the military conflict between Athens and Sparta?

10. What historical turning point is inaugurated by Athens in 415 BC?

(see the answer keys)

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