History of the Peloponnesian War Test | Final Test - Easy

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History of the Peloponnesian War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Thucydides writing his History of the Peloponnesian War?
(a) In exile
(b) Underground Athens
(c) In Sparta
(d) In the Library of Alexandria

2. Stylistically speaking, what is the quality of Thucydides' text?
(a) It is complex and extraordinarily dense which often leads to difficulty with clear interpretation of issues.
(b) It is uneven and often misleading.
(c) Its simplicity of style makes it simple for even non-scholars to study.
(d) It is archaic and fails to deliver what Thucydides had hoped for.

3. What is the first step in the unraveling of the Athenian force?
(a) The Spartan presence in fortified Decelea causes difficulty in Athens, and Sparta sends reinforcements to Syracuse.
(b) There starts to be a lot of defections.
(c) Money is playing out in Athens.
(d) The raids on Peloponnesus become ineffective.

4. How do scholars generally explain the contradictions in Thucydides' text?
(a) Correctly analyzed, what appears to be contradictions are actually not.
(b) Thucydides seems to have a great deal of trouble making up his mind.
(c) Over time. he revises his opinions and understanding but does not always update all relevant textual passages.
(d) Much of the manuscript is lost and Thucydides forgets what he has said earlier.

5. What transpires in Syracuse in 414 BC?
(a) Gylippus arrives in Syracuse and saves the city from defeat.
(b) Large financial resources reach Syracuse.
(c) Envoys pass between Athens and Sicily.
(d) Athens leaves Syracuse when Gylippus arrives.

6. At first, what action by Athens signifies a lack of understanding of the defeat at Syracuse?
(a) They launch an attack on Sparta.
(b) They raise taxes and duties for military spending.
(c) They believe their allies will not desert them.
(d) They vote to build more ships and press forward with the war.

7. How are the triremes used in naval combat?
(a) They are outfitted with dart throwing devices.
(b) They come alongside another trireme and break its oars.
(c) They aim for the enemy ship and ram it.
(d) The move in quickly and are able to board the enemy ship.

8. What serious setback happens to Athens in 413 BC?
(a) The Athenian fleet is decisively destroyed in Sicily during the winter of 413 BC.
(b) The plague returns, wiping out two thirds of the Athenian military.
(c) All of Athens' allies desert to Sparta.
(d) There is an earthquake that destroys the walls around Athens.

9. Why are the Peloponnesian triremes better equipped?
(a) Their prows are stronger and their rams reinforced.
(b) They carry flamethrowing catapults.
(c) They are carrying missle launching equipment.
(d) They are made of teak wood imported from Africa.

10. What removes Syracuse, Sicily, and Italy from the text of Thucydides' history?
(a) The defeat and rout of the Athenians
(b) Athens' ultimate defeat of Syracuse
(c) The eruption of Mt. Aetna
(d) Sparta turing its attention on Thrace

11. What is commonly called the peace of Nicias by modern scholars?
(a) The end of the Peloponnesian War
(b) A time under Nicias when Sparta is afraid to attack.
(c) The treaty of alliance between Sparta and Athens during the winter of 422 to 421 BC
(d) A six-week halt to the hostilities

12. What unusual plan does Syracuse put into operation against Athens?
(a) Syracuse sends sick civilians into the Athenian ranks to spread disease.
(b) Syracusans lead land attacks.
(c) Syracusans build a fleet and attack the Athenian navy.
(d) Syracusans put out a rumor that the city has the plague.

13. What major battle occurs in the winter of 415 BC?
(a) Sicily versus Macedonia
(b) Thrace versus Thebes
(c) Athens versus Syracuse
(d) Sparta versus Italy

14. How many battles are fought between Athens and Syracuse?
(a) Two
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) One

15. How does Thucydides write about important speeches and rhetoric during his time?
(a) As a scribe, he is actually present for most of the important speeches and negotiations.
(b) He has a good imagination for what is being thought and said.
(c) He asserts a knowledge about the thoughts of individuals at key moments within the history.
(d) He interviews important principal characters in the political area of his day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Thucydides say about the new Peloponnesian triremes?

2. What ultimatum does Athens give to Melos?

3. What are the results of Corinth's being alarmed during 421 BC?

4. Why does Thucydides suddenly include more information on Peloponnesian events?

5. What is the political position of Argos from 418 through 416 BC?

(see the answer keys)

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