Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the doctor tell Mother Superior about Father Kleinsorge?
(a) "With the right treatment, he'll live a healthy normal life."
(b) "He'll die."
(c) "We'll get him out of here in three months."
(d) "We can't help him here."

2. What is the condition of one of the wounded people lying beside Miss Sasaki?
(a) A woman has lost her breast.
(b) A man has lost his arm.
(c) A soldier's eye sockets are hollow from the burns.
(d) An old woman is nearly dead.

3. In Chapter 3, what gesture makes Father Kleinsorge a little hysterical and want to cry suddenly?
(a) A Japanese woman hands him tea leaves to chew on.
(b) A Japanese man hands him a cup of water.
(c) A Japanese woman offers him bandages for his wounds.
(d) A Japanese child offers him a rice cake.

4. Months after she is discharged from the hospital, what does Miss Sasaki prepare herself for?
(a) Finding a job.
(b) Searching for her siblings.
(c) Getting married.
(d) Conversion to Catholicism.

5. What does Mrs. Nakamura do once she receives money from the bank for her husband's bond?
(a) She buys a wig.
(b) She gives the money to her in-laws.
(c) She buys a new sewing machine.
(d) She rents a shack.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the Red Cross Hospital, how many doctors are available for ten thousand patients?

2. What happens to the Kataoka children, sister and brother, whom Father Kleinsorge finds?

3. In trying to rebuild the city, what is the Planning Conference in Hiroshima at a loss to?

4. What do Japanese scientists announce after having investigated Hiroshima?

5. Why does Mr. Tanaka expect all the doctors of Hiroshima to come to him?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Mr. Tanimoto rescues the people from the sandpit, what stirs his rage?

2. What theory does Dr. Sasaki and his colleagues at the Red Cross Hospital make about the first stage of the radiation disease?

3. How do the Nakamura children spend the night at Asano Park the day of the bombing?

4. Outside, what is the condition of the Red Cross Hospital?

5. By midsummer, Mrs. Nakamura's savings are gone. How then does she survive?

6. Describe Mr. Tanaka.

7. What does Miss Sasaki think about while at the hospital and why?

8. How does Miss Sasaki spend the first night of the bombing?

9. What does Mr. Tanimoto see when he awakes in the first light of dawn, the first morning after the bombing?

10. What is Dr. Fujii doing a month after the bombing?

(see the answer keys)

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