Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On August 15, who publicly speaks for the first time in Japanese history over the radio?
(a) The president of Japan.
(b) The American president.
(c) The prime minister of Japan.
(d) Hirohito, the Emperor Tenno.

2. At Asano Park, after Father Kleinsorge tries to settle down for the night, prays, and falls asleep, what wakes him up?
(a) The sudden rainstorm.
(b) The mission keeper who asks him if he'd remembered to repeat his evening prayers.
(c) People cheering after they'd heard they were going to be rescued.
(d) The nurse who asks him if he wants anything to eat.

3. At the Red Cross Hospital, how many doctors are available for ten thousand patients?
(a) 8.
(b) 1100.
(c) 108.
(d) 500.

4. What concern is there about giving Father Kliensorge a blood transfusion?
(a) Atomic bomb patients become sick during blood transfusions.
(b) He may receive badly poisoned blood from an atomic bomb survivor.
(c) Atomic bomb patients may not stop bleeding once needles are stuck in them.
(d) There isn't the proper equipment for blood transfusions for atomic bomb patients.

5. A year after the bomb is dropped, what condition is Mr. Tanimoto's church in?
(a) It still has his exceptional vitality.
(b) It is ruined.
(c) It is rebuilt.
(d) It has the same number of attendees.

6. In the afternoon of the third day after the bombing, what does Dr. Sasaki become obsessed with?
(a) The idea that such horrific act as the atomic bomb could take place.
(b) The idea that his mother thinks he is dead.
(c) The idea that he is contaminated with radioactivity.
(d) The fact that 100,000 people were killed within an instant.

7. Why does Father Kelinsorge go to the police station the day after the bombing?
(a) To ask if they could assist in bringing doctors to Asano Park.
(b) To see if they needed any help.
(c) To find the parents of two little children.
(d) To fill out a claim form for property damage.

8. On August 18th, what does Father Kleinsorge begin to feel as he walks halfway from the center of town?
(a) He feels very cold.
(b) He feels excruciatingly tired.
(c) He feels a lot of pain in his legs.
(d) He feels very nauseous.

9. What does a young man who is staying at the same hospital as that of Miss Sasaki give her?
(a) A pen.
(b) A book.
(c) A ring.
(d) A watch.

10. To the Japanese, what is a greater moral responsibility than adequate care of the living?
(a) Cremation is the responsibility of relatives only.
(b) Cremation should be attended to only after the survivors have been taken care of.
(c) Disposal of the dead by decent cremation and enshrinment.
(d) Cremation is not important under dire circumstances.

11. In Chapter 3, what happens in Hiroshima that causes more devastation?
(a) Another air raid.
(b) An earthquake.
(c) A great fire.
(d) A flood.

12. Where does Mrs. Nakamura and her children go to after leaving the park?
(a) They live at the shelter for a while.
(b) They have Father Kleinsorge find them a small room.
(c) They move in with Mrs. Nakamura's sister-in-law.
(d) They move in with Mrs. Nakamura's family.

13. What does the first army doctor who sees Miss Sasaki say?
(a) Her body is poisoned by gas gangrene.
(b) Her leg has to be amputated.
(c) Her leg needs a simple surgery.
(d) She is going to die.

14. In Chapter 3, what gesture makes Father Kleinsorge a little hysterical and want to cry suddenly?
(a) A Japanese woman hands him tea leaves to chew on.
(b) A Japanese woman offers him bandages for his wounds.
(c) A Japanese man hands him a cup of water.
(d) A Japanese child offers him a rice cake.

15. When Father Kleinsorge arrives to the hospital, what condition is he in?
(a) He is bleeding profusely.
(b) He is unconscious.
(c) He has a terrible rash all over.
(d) He is terribly pale and very shaky.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mr. Tanaka expect all the doctors of Hiroshima to come to him?

2. In Hiroshima, Father Kleinsorges is one of thousands of sufferers; in Tokyo...

3. What does Dr. Sasaki feel should happen to the men who decided to use the bomb?

4. In Chapter 3, when Mr. Tanimoto reaches down to the river and takes a woman by the hand, what sickens him so much that he has to sit down?

5. What ends up happening to Mr. Fukai, the Japanese secretary of the diocese?

(see the answer keys)

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