Hiroshima Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hiroshima Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Prior to the bombing, what happens to Hiroshima's population?
(a) It suffers poverty due to the war.
(b) It is increased to help clear the fire lanes.
(c) It is reduced due to several evacuation programs.
(d) It becomes absent of many professionals who flee the city.

2. What is Miss Toshinki doing when the bomb drops?
(a) She has just grabbed a cup of coffee and is heading towards her desk.
(b) She has just turned her head to chat with the girl at the next desk.
(c) She has just lifted some papers off her desk.
(d) She has just approached her boss to ask for a raise.

3. Why does Miss Toshiko Sasaki wake up at three A.M. the morning the bomb is dropped?
(a) There is extra housework to do.
(b) She had a nightmare.
(c) She has a long commute to work.
(d) She hears the warning sirens.

4. What is the 20-year-old woman doing when Mr. Tanimoto sees her?
(a) She is bundling her dead infant son to keep him warm.
(b) She is trying to feed her dead infant son as if he's alive.
(c) She is talking to her dead infant daughter as if she's alive.
(d) She is carrying her dead infant daughter in her arms.

5. What does Dr. Terufumi Sasaki do without a permit?
(a) He charges his patients.
(b) He treats patients with illnesses he is not an expert in.
(c) He sells medicine.
(d) He visits a few sick people.

6. What do the six survivors in Hiroshima, who John Hersey writes about, still wonder?
(a) They wonder why they lived while so many others died.
(b) They wonder why the Americnas used such a bomb on them.
(c) They wonder if their lives will ever be normal again.
(d) They wonder whether the atomic bomb will ever be used again.

7. For more than a month, Dr. Sasaki works...
(a) With a badly injured leg.
(b) Wearing someone else's glasses.
(c) Without having any glasses.
(d) With a badly injured arm.

8. What is Miss Toshinki Sasaki's profession?
(a) She is a nurse.
(b) She is a clerk.
(c) She is a librarian.
(d) She is a bookkeeper.

9. In general, the survivors of Hiroshima...
(a) They tried to help everyone around them.
(b) They only assisted the women, children and elders.
(c) They were too shocked to help anyone but themselves.
(d) They assisted only their relatives or immediate neighbors.

10. When a roar of approaching planes is heard at Asano Park, the baker commands people to take off garments having what color?
(a) Orange.
(b) White.
(c) Black.
(d) Red.

11. Who does the prefecture order to help clear the fire lanes?
(a) The boys from secondary schools.
(b) The male students from colleges and universities.
(c) The girls from secondary schools.
(d) The female students from colleges and universities.

12. What does NOT happen to the people at Asano Park?
(a) They have serious burns.
(b) Their hair falls off.
(c) They die.
(d) They vomit.

13. What is Mrs. Halsuyo Nakamura's profession?
(a) She is a nurse.
(b) She is a teacher.
(c) She is a tailor.
(d) She is a dental assistant.

14. After the bombing, what happens to Dr. Fujii's hospital?
(a) It remains in the bank of the Kyo Rover.
(b) It is burned down by fire.
(c) It goes into the river.
(d) It remains standing.

15. Who helps Mrs. Nakamura free the children?
(a) She frees them herself.
(b) Dr. Sasaki.
(c) Her neighbor.
(d) Mr. Tarimoto.

Short Answer Questions

1. What it something Dr. Fujii feel despite the misery all around him?

2. What is the Reverend Mr. Kiyoshi Tanimoto doing when the bomb drops?

3. Who does Dr. Terufimi Sasaki live with?

4. On what day is the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima?

5. How does Mrs. Nakamura's husband die?

(see the answer keys)

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