Hinds' Feet on High Places Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Hannah Hurnard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hinds' Feet on High Places Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Hannah Hurnard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 19, High Places.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where in the High Places, or Kingdom of Love, were Much-Afraid and the twins for the next several weeks?
(a) The middle of the realm.
(b) The lowest part.
(c) They were all over the Kingdom.
(d) The top of the Kingdom.

2. What did Much-Afraid wonder at the end of Chapter 13, as she thought about what had happened so far and what was going to happen next?
(a) She wondered if the Shepherd was crazy and had tricked her.
(b) What the Shepherd planned next and if it would hurt.
(c) She wondered if she was ever going to get to the High Places.
(d) She wondered if she was crazy to do all this.

3. What was the song Much-Afraid read after awakening during the night?
(a) The song of a shepherdess who failed to respond to the call of love.
(b) The story of a woman who lost her love forever.
(c) A children's story about sheep.
(d) A poem about Shepherds.

4. Even though Much-Afraid was tied between the sisters, what happened to her as they continued their climb up the precipice?
(a) Much-Afraid led the way.
(b) Much-Afraid fell off the steep side.
(c) Much-Afraid tripped on a jagged rock.
(d) Much-Afraid slid backward down the path.

5. What did the Fearling family decide to do about Much-Afraid leaving them?
(a) Make an example of her so no one else would ever leave.
(b) Join her.
(c) Go and get her and make her their slave.
(d) Capture her and put her in prison.

Short Answer Questions

1. Although Much-Afraid agrees to go with the two strange women the Shepherd has chosen for her traveling companions, what won't she do?

2. What did Much-Afraid realize after Suffering asked her what she did that morning when she went off by herself and found the red flower?

3. What did the Shepherd ask Much-Afraid after showing her the potter working clay?

4. What did Much-Afraid do at the edge of the cliff?

5. What happened when the Shepherd walked by Much-Afraid's cottage expecting her to meet him?

(see the answer key)

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