High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were Barbara Kingsolver's feelings about being a 'rock star'?
(a) She was disappointed when she realized what along shot it was.
(b) She was secretly hungry for fame.
(c) She was openly hungry for fame.
(d) She was not enthusiastic.

2. When would Barbara Kingsolver remember her childhood?
(a) When she was anxious about her siblings.
(b) When life got her down.
(c) When she thought life was too easy.
(d) When she started a new book.

3. What drew Barbara Kingsolver and her second husband together?
(a) He was her editor.
(b) Love of nature.
(c) Political activism.
(d) She got pregnant.

4. How was Barbara Kingsolver greeted in Africa?
(a) 'Hello, white person'.
(b) 'Hello pretty lady'.
(c) 'Go home, American'.
(d) 'Hey lady, buy this from me'.

5. Which of these things did Barbara Kingsolver NOT remember when she took Camille to visit her childhood home?
(a) Collecting leaves to press.
(b) Putting on plays.
(c) Catching crawfish.
(d) Catching birds build nests.

6. What was Camille thrilled by at Horse Lick Creek?
(a) Ancient ruins.
(b) Crayfish.
(c) Deer tracks.
(d) Cliff dwellings.

7. Why did Barbara Kingsolver finally visit the Titan Missile Museum?
(a) Her daughter.
(b) An assignment.
(c) Curiosity.
(d) Boredom.

8. What job did Barbara Kingsolver take at 25?
(a) Animal behaviorist.
(b) Activist.
(c) Writer.
(d) Pianist.

9. When were the Titan Missiles outside of Tucson taken out of service?
(a) 1989.
(b) 1977.
(c) 1964.
(d) 1984.

10. What did Barbara Kingsolver grow up expecting?
(a) Prince Charming.
(b) A knight on a white horse.
(c) A romantic poet.
(d) A certain amount of abuse.

11. Who is Steve?
(a) Barbara Kingsolver's brother.
(b) Barbara Kingsolver's traveling partner.
(c) Camille's cousin.
(d) Camille's father.

12. How did Barbara Kingsolver think people would see her after she and her husband divorced?
(a) As an impostor.
(b) As a charity case.
(c) As a fallen woman.
(d) As scandalous.

13. What conclusion does Barbara Kingsolver reach about activism?
(a) To be a citizen involves accepting the nation's actions.
(b) The national culture is beyond one person's ability to change.
(c) To love your country is to stay and improve it.
(d) To change anything, start with your own habits.

14. How does Barbara Kingsolver characterize her fan mail?
(a) Goofy.
(b) Flattering.
(c) Entertaining.
(d) Hostile.

15. What did Barbara Kingsolver expect would take her away from the band?
(a) Book tour.
(b) Her daughter.
(c) Illness.
(d) Journalism assignments.

Short Answer Questions

1. What information does Barbara Kingsolver say the Pentagon suppressed?

2. What does Barbara Kingsolver say was the most important part of her experience as a rock star?

3. Where is the Heard Museum?

4. What is the Heard Museum a center for?

5. What did Barbara Kingsolver build behind her house?

(see the answer keys)

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