High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What example does Barbara Kingsolver give us, to justify her characterization of her physique?
(a) She had to be carried up and down stairs.
(b) She didn't break 100 pounds until the end of high school.
(c) She could not break 8 minutes for running a mile.
(d) She had to shop in the men's section by high school.

2. What did Barbara Kingsolver name her creature?
(a) Bubba.
(b) Brother.
(c) Buster.
(d) Bruiser.

3. What did the library recruit Barbara Kingsolver for?
(a) Raising money for the library.
(b) Buying new books for the library.
(c) Organizing the library.
(d) Evaluating the books in the library.

4. Why are many school bonds voted down, in Barbara Kingsolver's opinion?
(a) Because people can't afford school districts.
(b) Because Americans would rather home-school their children.
(c) Because education is a luxury people don't want to pay for.
(d) Because people don't have a stake in education.

5. What does Barbara Kingsolver say is society's responsibility in regard to children?
(a) To feed and clothe them.
(b) To get them through high school.
(c) To help them reach their dreams.
(d) To participate in their care.

6. What notion does Barbara Kingsolver dismiss as absurd?
(a) That the state should subsidize all families with children.
(b) That parents need licensing.
(c) That children should be raised communally.
(d) That parents should raise their own children.

7. What does Barbara Kingsolver allow her daughter to do, in their time together?
(a) Provide for her.
(b) Take the lead.
(c) Plan their outings.
(d) Reverse their roles.

8. For what occasion does Barbara Kingsolver say she bought an expensive, chic outfit?
(a) An award ceremony.
(b) A funeral.
(c) A writer's meeting.
(d) A wedding.

9. What made Barbara Kingsolver think that the creature was dead?
(a) He smelled like he was decaying.
(b) He would not appear to breathe.
(c) He would get very cold.
(d) He would not move for days on end.

10. What did Barbara Kingsolver give her creature regularly?
(a) Donuts.
(b) Seashells.
(c) Peanuts.
(d) Rocks.

11. What news did Barbara Kingsolver get on the day she brought her first daughter home?
(a) That her book would be published.
(b) That her mother had died.
(c) That her mother was furious about the book she had written.
(d) That her book was getting good reviews.

12. When was Barbara Kingsolver's daughter Camille a handful?
(a) Her teenage years.
(b) Her first year.
(c) Her first years in school.
(d) Her terrible twos.

13. How does Barbara Kingsolver describe herself when she was in high school?
(a) A socialite.
(b) A nerd.
(c) A goody-goody.
(d) An egghead.

14. What omen accompanied Barbara Kingsolver's arrival in La Gomera?
(a) Migratory birds.
(b) Dolphins.
(c) A lunar eclipse.
(d) Fine weather.

15. What argument of E.O. Wilson's does book reject?
(a) That genetics drives all of human existence.
(b) That morality is an evolutionary construct.
(c) That people are products of their environments.
(d) That people have free will.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Barbara Kingsolver buy in the unnamed town she found?

2. What is the 'Tide of Tucson'?

3. What does Barbara Kingsolver say Wilson ignores?

4. How does Barbara Kingsolver compare the U.S. to other countries in terms of education?

5. Where was Barbara Kingsolver's contraband creature discovered?

(see the answer keys)

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