High Five Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

High Five Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lipinski's wife demand?
(a) That Lipinski get his share right away.
(b) That Lipinski go to the police.
(c) That Lipinski put his share in a Swiss bank account.
(d) That Lipinski and she flee the country.

2. Where were the checks Stephanie has canceled?
(a) At the area bank.
(b) At a convenience store.
(c) At the local bank.
(d) At a pawn shop.

3. Who is at his mother's house?
(a) Briggs.
(b) Bunchy.
(c) The FTA for whom Ranger is looking.
(d) Morelli.

4. Why does Stephanie take Briggs to her parents' house?
(a) There is no food in her house.
(b) He hid in the back seat as she drives off.
(c) He asks to meet her parents.
(d) He seems like a nice guy.

5. What does Shermsky do with Grizzoly's accountant?
(a) Teach him how to skim money.
(b) Play poker.
(c) Frame him for a murder.
(d) Kill him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Stephanie spy Shempsky?

2. Who is found murdered?

3. How does Ranger respond?

4. Who kills That Lipinski's wife?

5. Where does Stephanie park the Buick?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who else takes Stephanie unawares after she escapes from Rameriz? Is this new situation any more dangerous?

2. What does Ranger suggest Stephanie do about the Porsche he offers her and what do you think should be Stephanie's response?

3. What is ironic about how Stephanie is saved from Shempsky killing her?

4. Describe the situation of Shempsky being caught.

5. What other company seems to have "lost" the names of paying customers and what might this mean?

6. Why does Stephanie think she and Morelli are working on the same case?

7. What is revealed about Fred and Mabel's relationship through mention of what Mabel has been doing?

8. What does Stephanie suspect about Shempsky and why is it suspicious that he's not at work? What might this foreshadow?

9. Who is Randy Briggs; why is he staying with Stephanie, and is it wise for Stephanie to allow him to stay with her?

10. Who attacks Stephanie and why do you think she does not see the attack coming?

(see the answer keys)

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