High Five Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

High Five Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stephanie decide about Briggs?
(a) To write him off completely.
(b) To deal with him next week.
(c) Today she was bringing him in.
(d) To hand the case over to Joyce.

2. Who cannot find Fred in their account book?
(a) The barber.
(b) The accountant.
(c) The waste company.
(d) The dentist.

3. What does Bunchy want Stephanie to do?
(a) Take him to search Fred's car.
(b) Check out Fred's bank account.
(c) Find Fred's black book.
(d) Tell him Fred's girlfriend's name.

4. Who shows up while Stephanie is asleep?
(a) Fred.
(b) Ranger.
(c) The drug addict/dealer.
(d) Bunchy.

5. What do Ranger, Stephanie and three others do?
(a) They beat up a pimp/dealer.
(b) They shoot a corrupt policeman.
(c) They forcefully evict the drug dealer and addict.
(d) They rescue a young woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stephanie discover when she returns from a fast food joint?

2. What does Stephanie believe Fred saw?

3. What does Stephanie eat?

4. What does Ranger return to Stephanie?

5. What does Ranger ask Stephanie?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is on Lula's car when Stephanie and Lula return to it from shopping and what is Stephanie's reaction?

2. What happens when Stephanie and Lula attempt to bring in Briggs again and what might this suggest about Stephanie's ultimate success as a bounty hunter?

3. What happens when Stephanie and Ranger go running in the morning and why do you think it happens?

4. What is the reason Morelli says he wishes Stephanie would not work for Ranger any more and could there be any other reason?

5. What does Stephanie buy at the mall and do you think it is appropriate for the purpose for which she buys it?

6. What does Ranger's redecorating job entail?

7. What is the implication that Fred took pictures of the body with a disposable camera?

8. Why is Fred in a dispute with the garbage company and does it seem like something an average person would bother with?

9. What happens to Stephanie in the parking lot at the garbage company and do you think she should do anything about it?

10. What is ironic about Fred taking his garbage bags out behind the butcher's?

(see the answer keys)

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