High Five Test | Final Test - Easy

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High Five Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where were the checks Stephanie has canceled?
(a) At a pawn shop.
(b) At the local bank.
(c) At a convenience store.
(d) At the area bank.

2. Who does Stephanie ask about Shempsky?
(a) The police.
(b) Morelli.
(c) Bunchy.
(d) The bank.

3. What does Stephanie goad Shermsky into doing?
(a) Telling him of his crimes.
(b) Calling Morelli.
(c) Calling Ranger.
(d) Pulling out his gun.

4. Who does Stephanie call for a ride?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Vinnie.
(c) Ranger.
(d) Lula.

5. What do Stephanie and Lula do at the close of chapter 13?
(a) Eat pizza.
(b) Apprehend a FTA.
(c) Go shopping.
(d) Let the air out of Bunchy's tires.

6. Who arrives to take Stephanie to dinner?
(a) Lula.
(b) Mary Lou.
(c) Her parents.
(d) Ranger.

7. Where does Stephanie go for dinner?
(a) Her parents' house.
(b) Home.
(c) A pizza joint.
(d) An Italian restaurant.

8. Why does Randy Briggs come over to Stephanie's place?
(a) He wants to borrow her pistol.
(b) He wants to ask Stephanie out for a date.
(c) His apartment is broken into.
(d) He wants to get a job as a bounty hunter.

9. What does Lipinski's wife demand?
(a) That Lipinski go to the police.
(b) That Lipinski put his share in a Swiss bank account.
(c) That Lipinski and she flee the country.
(d) That Lipinski get his share right away.

10. Who is Stephanie supposed to take to the airport?
(a) Her grandmother.
(b) Her parents.
(c) Mary Lou.
(d) The Arab teen.

11. What does Stephanie notice behind the butcher's?
(a) Bloodstains.
(b) A stucco wall like the one in the pictures.
(c) A bunch of human hair.
(d) A litter of kitten.

12. Who arrives in the middle of the event that Stephanie and Ranger are on?
(a) Morelli.
(b) Rameriz.
(c) Briggs.
(d) Bunchy.

13. Who kills That Lipinski's wife?
(a) Lipinski acting alone.
(b) Shempsky acting alone.
(c) Shempsky and Lipinski.
(d) All 5 men in the scheme.

14. About what theories does Stephanie tell Morelli?
(a) Morelli's attraction to Terry.
(b) Her uncle's disappearance.
(c) Rameriz's hostililty.
(d) Brigg's identity as a numbers runner.

15. What does Stephanie think when he sees a picture of Lipinski's wife?
(a) That Stephanie is surprised to see she is Chinese.
(b) That she was in high school with Stephanie.
(c) That she looks too nice for Lipinski.
(d) That she looks like the woman in the garbage bags.

Short Answer Questions

1. What saves Stephanie?

2. Who does Stephanie see getting out of Morelli's car?

3. Whose viewing does Grandma Mazur want to attend?

4. What is the case upon which Morelli is working?

5. Who grabs Stephanie and tries to force her out of the building?

(see the answer keys)

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