High Fidelity Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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High Fidelity Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says, "I don't care if you've got the blues. It's OK. And I wasn't fooled by you acting all cool about... what's her name"?
(a) Laura.
(b) Marie.
(c) Barry.
(d) Rob.

2. What was the name of Charlie's friend who said she wished she could find a guy like Rob?
(a) Kate.
(b) Jennifer.
(c) Michelle.
(d) Sarah.

3. The narrator says that in Bruce Springsteen songs you can either "stay and rot" or what?
(a) Fly and crash.
(b) Leave and rot.
(c) Escape and burn.
(d) Stay and burn.

4. How long does the narrator say his first relationship lasted?
(a) Six hours.
(b) One week.
(c) Three weeks.
(d) One day.

5. What name does David call his sister in Chapter 1 of the introduction?
(a) Jerk.
(b) Scrubber.
(c) Slut.
(d) Snob.

6. In what country does the novel take place?
(a) The U.S.
(b) France.
(c) Australia.
(d) England.

7. What is the narrator's name in High Fidelity?
(a) Barry Jackson.
(b) Jason Williams.
(c) Rob Williams.
(d) Rob Fleming.

8. Whom does the narrator say that Marie looks like?
(a) Vivien Leigh.
(b) Susan Dey.
(c) Dame Edna.
(d) Sarah Bernhardt.

9. For whom had Charlie left the narrator?
(a) Rico.
(b) Raoul.
(c) Marco.
(d) Jason.

10. What does the narrator claim is his "secret" to seducing women?
(a) Asking questions.
(b) Ordering drinks.
(c) Acting macho.
(d) Being meek.

11. What has the narrator determined with Barry is what matters, as opposed to "what you are like"?
(a) What you do.
(b) Who you are.
(c) What you say.
(d) What you like.

12. Who does the narrator say that Kevin Bannister had been kissing for a couple of weeks in the beginning of the novel?
(a) Mary Alison.
(b) Sarah Kendrew.
(c) Stephanie Phelph.
(d) Elizabeth Barnes.

13. What day of the week is the busiest at Rob's shop?
(a) Thursday.
(b) Saturday.
(c) Sunday.
(d) Friday.

14. Who did the narrator meet at the club where he deejayed?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Laura.
(c) Marie.
(d) Bob.

15. Where did Ian live until six weeks ago in Chapter 5?
(a) Above Rob.
(b) With Rob.
(c) Below Rob.
(d) Two blocks from Rob.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Laura tell Rob she wants to come by in Chapter 5?

2. Where does the woman live who calls about the record collection in Chapter 6?

3. Where do Dick and Barry both live?

4. What movie do the narrator's parents take him to see?

5. Who does the narrator indicate is notably NOT on the list of the top five breakups?

(see the answer keys)

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