Hideaway Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hideaway Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Lindsey's maiden name?
(a) Spaling.
(b) Starling.
(c) Sparling.
(d) Harrison.

2. What was the thing that jolted Hatch out of his rage?
(a) That he would wake Regina.
(b) That he was acting like his father.
(c) That Lindsey had done nothing wrong.
(d) That he would scare Regina.

3. Why was constant betterment a formidable challenge?
(a) He had already passed the best of his years behind him.
(b) All of these.
(c) He had been awfully good at a young age.
(d) He was incapable of better preformance.

4. What was the amount of the first check Regina got from writing?
(a) One thousand dollars.
(b) Five hundred dollars.
(c) Seven hundred dollars.
(d) One thousand, five hundred dollars.

5. How many times had Jeremy stabbed his mother?
(a) Four.
(b) Five.
(c) Six.
(d) Ten.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what ride did Jeremy decide to kill Tod?

2. What is the author's version of Hell based on?

3. What does Vassago want from Honell?

4. What was life to Vassago?

5. What did Jonas change careers to?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Nyebern find in the freezer when he goes for steaks?

2. Jeremy has a dilemma when he reaches Lindsey's house. What is it and how does he resolve it?

3. What does Hatch realize when he finds out that Cooper is dead and why does that worry him?

4. What other events of importance does Jeremy remember?

5. How does Jeremy get Lindsey's address finally?

6. Where is Jeremy/Vassago's hideaway, and why is it fitting?

7. What concerns do Lindsey and Hatch have about Regina at this stage?

8. Vassago reveals the details of his escape from the slavery of the rules of society and reveals that his christian name was Jeremy. How and why did this occur?

9. What does Regina do for the first time to Hatch that she hasn't done yet for Lindsey?

10. What does Hatch offer as proof of his theory to Lindsey?

(see the answer keys)

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