The Son of Neptune Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Son of Neptune Test | Final Test - Easy

Rick Riordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Percy falls asleep while traveling to meet Phineas in Chapter XXV; what does Gaea tell him in his dream?
(a) His friends will die, but he will live.
(b) He will die, but his friends will live.
(c) Another war is about to begin, and he will be the last to die.
(d) Another war is about to begin, and he will be the first to die.

2. What does the visitor by Frank's grandmother's bedside tell Frank about Percy?
(a) Percy will soon need to make a decision that he can't make without Frank's help.
(b) Percy will soon seek Frank's advice, but die when he doesn't take it.
(c) Percy will soon die, and it will be Frank's fault.
(d) Percy is the only one who can save Frank's grandmother from dying.

3. Where are Hazel, Percy, and Frank headed to find Phineas?
(a) Portland.
(b) Mexico.
(c) San Diego.
(d) New York.

4. When Hazel passes out in Chapter XXIX and travels to her past, who grabs her hand and travels with her?
(a) Ella.
(b) Gaea.
(c) Frank.
(d) Percy.

5. What does Frank ask Hazel for in Chapter XLV that she is hesitant to give him?
(a) A promise.
(b) A kiss.
(c) His stick.
(d) A secret.

6. Alcyoneus reveals that the giants plan to attack the homeland after they take care of what?
(a) The trio.
(b) The Roman camp.
(c) The Rome built in America.
(d) The gods giving Gaea a hard time.

7. What are Percy, Hazel, and Frank doing when they are attacked by gryphons in Chapter XLII?
(a) Walking to a store.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Eating at a cafe.
(d) Bathing and washing their clothes in a river.

8. Who is responsible for freeing Thanatos from his frozen chains?
(a) Percy.
(b) Hazel.
(c) Frank.
(d) Ella.

9. What pictures are mentioned in Chapter XLII?
(a) Pictures of Percy with Annebeth before he lost his memory.
(b) Pictures of the trio that they didn't know had been taken of them.
(c) Pictures of Percy's mother.
(d) Pictures of Hazel's mother and Sammy.

10. What are the gryphon nests that Frank, Percy, and Hazel try to hid in filled with?
(a) Eggs.
(b) Souls.
(c) Precious metals.
(d) Jewels.

11. What is burned in order to melt Thanatos' frozen chains?
(a) Frank's stick.
(b) Percy's hair.
(c) Hazel's hair.
(d) Pieces from the broken chariot.

12. When the train is attacked by large winged beasts in Chapter XXXVIII, what do the other tourists think the bests are?
(a) Vultures.
(b) Eagles.
(c) Bats.
(d) Pelicans.

13. As Frank and his group drive away from his grandmother's house, what does Frank see his grandmother turn into?
(a) A buzzard.
(b) An eagle.
(c) An angel.
(d) A bear.

14. What are the winged beasts actually that attack the train headed toward the glacier in Alaska?
(a) Creates created by Gaea.
(b) Creatures created by Octavian.
(c) The gods in disguise.
(d) Flying gryphons.

15. While sleeping on the plane to Alaska, Percy dreams of a cyclops; where does he give the cyclops directions to?
(a) Camp Olympus.
(b) Frank's grandmother's house.
(c) Camp Jupiter.
(d) Camp Half-breed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Frank, Hazel, and Percy find Frank's grandmother's house surrounded by what?

2. What is Percy trying to retrieve while he is holding off the ghost army?

3. Who shows up as the trio is talking to Thanatos in Chapter XLIV?

4. In Percy's dream in Chapter XXV, he sees a Cyclops looking for him. What does the Cyclops call him?

5. Who did Hazel contact in Chapter XXV who already knew the army was coming?

(see the answer keys)

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