Hermann Hesse, Pilgrim of Crisis: A Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ralph Freedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hermann Hesse, Pilgrim of Crisis: A Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ralph Freedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Hermann Hesse, Pilgrim of Crisis: A Biography Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Hesse feel in Tubingen?
(a) Productive and happy.
(b) Messianic and ill.
(c) Lonely and isolated.
(d) Confused and desperate.

2. What was Hesse's relationship with the works he began to write in Tubingen?
(a) He disowned them.
(b) He kept working on them until they sold.
(c) He incorporated them into his later work.
(d) He burned them all.

3. What happened to Hesse's career in 1902?
(a) He was getting frustrated with all the rejection.
(b) He was getting famous.
(c) He was published for the first time.
(d) He was more and more widely published.

4. What does Freedman say is the relationship between an artist's work and his life?
(a) Traumas in Hesse's childhood were instrumental in his art.
(b) Hesse's life clarifies his work.
(c) Hesse's life is inscrutable.
(d) Hesse's work came primarily from his imagination.

5. Hesse did NOT suffer from _____________.
(a) Nausea
(b) Anxiety.
(c) Insomnia.
(d) Headaches.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Hesse begin to visit when he took a new job after Tubingen?

2. Why was Hesse rejected from military service?

3. What group did Hesse's work appeal to?

4. What did Hesse do with friends Hans Drach and Heinrich Jennen?

5. Which writer was not a member of the circle of Hesse's friends in Tubingen?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Freedman's stance with regard to the relationship between Hesse's life and works?

2. Describe Hesse's apprenticeship.

3. What was Hesse's early childhood like?

4. Under what circumstances did Hesse ultimately marry his first wife?

5. What did Hesse get from his trip to India in 1911?

6. When were Hesse's sons born?

7. What was Hesse's health like, and how did it affect his development?

8. How does Freedman describe Hesse's childhood?

9. Describe Hesse's marriage with Maria.

10. How big was Hesse's family?

(see the answer keys)

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