Hermann Hesse, Pilgrim of Crisis: A Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

Ralph Freedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hermann Hesse, Pilgrim of Crisis: A Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

Ralph Freedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which side did Hesse favor in WW I?
(a) Hesse remained neutral and disinterested.
(b) The English.
(c) Hesse campaigned actively against the war.
(d) The Germans.

2. Where did Hesse begin to spend time in 1930?
(a) Baden.
(b) Chanterella.
(c) Montagnola.
(d) India.

3. What gave Hesse difficulties as he got older?
(a) His appendix.
(b) His memory.
(c) His eyesight.
(d) His digestion.

4. Where would Hesse spend time with Ruth Wenger?
(a) In Monaco.
(b) In Carona.
(c) In Montagnola.
(d) In Nice.

5. Which book resulted from Hesse's experiences of 1923?
(a) "Steppenwolf."
(b) "Demian."
(c) "Piktor's Metamorphoses."
(d) "Siddhartha."

6. How was "Narcissus and Goldmund" received?
(a) Well.
(b) Poorly.
(c) With mixed reviews.
(d) With critical silence.

7. What does Freedman say the period of Hesse's renewed writing and painting after separating from his wife is called?
(a) Hesse's transition.
(b) Hesse's third new life.
(c) Hesse's renaissance.
(d) Hesse's renewal.

8. Beginning in 1926, what did Hesse do to overcome his depression?
(a) Painted.
(b) Attended masked balls.
(c) Used drugs.
(d) Drank.

9. When did Hesse finish writing "Steppenwolf"?
(a) Late 1927.
(b) Early 1927.
(c) Late 1926.
(d) Early 1926.

10. What does "Narcissus and Goldmund" portray, according to Freedman?
(a) Hesse's relationship with his children.
(b) Hesse's third marriage.
(c) Hesse's friendship with Hugo Ball.
(d) Hesse's second marriage.

11. Who was Hesse lecturing on while he was writing "Siddhartha"?
(a) Carlyle.
(b) Tolstoy.
(c) Dostoevsky.
(d) Emerson.

12. Where was the house Hesse rented in Ostermundigen located?
(a) By a lake.
(b) On a mountainside.
(c) Near the ocean.
(d) On an estate.

13. Whom did Hesse fall afoul of by protesting the alteration of his poem?
(a) His family.
(b) Ninon.
(c) The Americans.
(d) The East Germans.

14. What was Hesse planning to do when he visited the spa in Baden in 1923?
(a) Leave Europe.
(b) Visit India.
(c) Divorce his wife.
(d) Marry Ruth.

15. What began to replace Hesse's work after "Siddhartha"?
(a) Plays.
(b) Poetry.
(c) Legal papers.
(d) Reviews and essays.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Hesse spend time with Ruth in 1922?

2. What was Hesse's last novel?

3. Why did Hesse's work on "The Glass Bead Game" stop in 1933?

4. What did Hesse win in 1946?

5. What caused people to leave Germany in 1933?

(see the answer keys)

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