Here Is New York Test | Final Test - Medium

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Here Is New York Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of these does White notice a strange change in since he lived in New York?
(a) The vegetation
(b) The parades.
(c) The birds.
(d) The clouds.

2. What is the most disturbing change to White about New York since he lived there?
(a) The grumpy residents.
(b) The small number of policemen.
(c) The lack of camaraderie.
(d) The vulnerability.

3. How did police mostly do their patrols when White was living in New York?
(a) They rode horses.
(b) They used cars.
(c) They rode bicycles.
(d) They walked.

4. What amazes White about New York?
(a) That so many people love it.
(b) That is has quiet moments.
(c) That it sustains itself.
(d) That there are other places like it.

5. What part of New York did White live in?
(a) The Upper East Side.
(b) Brooklyn.
(c) Queens.
(d) Manhattan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does White give the numbers of?

2. What does White try to have a balance of in this book?

3. What does White use as a reference to write this book?

4. Where did White go to college?

5. What amazes White about the messages he describes being sent?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does White give numbers for?

2. What does White say has changed about policemen since he lived there?

3. What kind of things does White say will happen to someone who does not yet understand New York?

4. What did White try to keep a balance of while writing this book?

5. Where did White live while he was very poor in New York?

6. What does White compare the feeling the city gives the citizens to?

7. How does White say one can recognize the visitors to the city who were disappointed in their experience?

8. How does White show the amazing variety of people living in New York?

9. What does White say about the subterranean pipes in New York?

10. What does White say about the neighborhoods in New York?

(see the answer keys)

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