Here Is New York Test | Final Test - Medium

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Here Is New York Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did police mostly do their patrols when White was living in New York?
(a) They used cars.
(b) They rode horses.
(c) They rode bicycles.
(d) They walked.

2. How do police mostly do their patrols while White is writing this book?
(a) They go in cars.
(b) They walk.
(c) The ride bicycles.
(d) They ride horses.

3. How close does White say the people in New York are constantly escaping something?
(a) By a blink and a half.
(b) By a large margin.
(c) By a narrow margin.
(d) By a day or two.

4. How many people does White say would be killed if an enemy used his suggested weapon on the city?
(a) Hundreds of thousands.
(b) Thousands.
(c) Millions.
(d) Tens of thousands.

5. What does White say about the time when the Empire State Building was built?
(a) It boosted the economy.
(b) It was a signal of progression.
(c) It is the world's highest peak built at the lowest point in the depression.
(d) It raised men out of their pangs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does White say would happen if the communities in New York stopped working together for one day?

2. What nickname did White have in college?

3. What does White give the numbers of?

4. What did White's stepson write about a lot?

5. What does White remember the policemen of his youth always having on hand?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does White say someone has to do to find good things in New York?

2. What does White say would happen if the different communities stopped tolerating each other?

3. Where did White live while he was very poor in New York?

4. What are the two main reactions White says visitors to New York will have?

5. What has changed about the mansions in New York since White lived there?

6. What does White write about when he reminisces about his past memories in New York?

7. What does White say he knows will skew the numbers he listed?

8. What has changed about Grand Central Station since White lived in New York?

9. What does White compare the feeling the city gives the citizens to?

10. What does White say called him to New York?

(see the answer keys)

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