Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Final Test - Medium

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Final Test - Medium

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens in 1534?
(a) more books by Luther are burned
(b) Luther becomes critically ill
(c) the complete translation of the entire Bible
(d) a retrial for Luther

2. What, to Luther, is the ultimate problem?
(a) apostacy in the Church
(b) man's relationship to God
(c) where to go to be safe
(d) how to remain alive

3. How does Luther travel safely?
(a) by traveling with bodyguards
(b) by traveling only at night
(c) by traveling in a large group
(d) by concealing his identity

4. How many children do Luther and Katherine care for?
(a) Over a hundred foster children over the years
(b) Six of their own and four adopted orphans
(c) Twelve, the same number as the Apostles
(d) Three boys and one girl

5. Why does Luther resist getting married?
(a) He thinks he has no time for marriage.
(b) He thinks he is doomed to martyrdom as a heretic.
(c) He thinks women are instruments of the Devil.
(d) He fears having children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Luther's Monday and Tuesday sermons?

2. Who writes Luther saying God is merciful and will forgive him if he returns?

3. What does Luther mean by saying that God can forgive only a lusty sinner?

4. During the translation process, what gives Luther a serious problem?

5. Why does the Reformation in Saxony cause confusion?

Short Essay Questions

1. State simply Luther's position on good works.

2. What is the outcome of the Peasant War and how does Luther end up being viewed by the people?

3. What is the territorial inequity involving Catholics and Lutherans?

4. What part do publications have in the first decade of the Reformation?

5. Describe Luther's decision to marry.

6. How does Luther view church and state?

7. Describe Luther's typical work week.

8. Why are some things Luther says alarming to those who hear him?

9. How does Bainton portray Luther's impact on marriage and the family?

10. Who ascends to the papacy after Leon X?

(see the answer keys)

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