Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Luther differ with the Catholic Church on the Eucharist?
(a) He does not believe it is necessary in worship.
(b) He does not believe that the bread and wine transform into the body and blood of God.
(c) He does not believe it slhould be limited to bread and wine.
(d) He believes it should only be taken on Saturday.

2. What frightens Erasmus?
(a) the mood of the people
(b) the Church courts
(c) the threat of division and war implied in the Reformation
(d) Martin Luther

3. Why does Hans Luther say his son should study to earn a living and not enter the monastery?
(a) because he is too young to know his own mind
(b) because Hans is not a Catholic
(c) because Hans is ashamed to have his son beg
(d) because he should honor his mother's and father's wishes

4. Why does Luther resume his University studies?
(a) to qualify for the position of lector
(b) to have a way out of the cloister
(c) to learn to read Latin
(d) to satisfy his curiosity

5. What does Luther believe that is in direct opposition with Papal authority?
(a) that it is impossible to know what God wills
(b) that God can speak through any righteous man
(c) that God no longer speaks to man
(d) that he has been given the Keys to the Kingdom

Short Answer Questions

1. What startling accusation does Luther make in the debate?

2. Why is Luther not worried about what the opposition will do to him?

3. How does Luther affirm the forgiveness of sins?

4. What do both Humanism and the Reformation do but for different reasons?

5. What are the criteria Luther upholds for identifying a true sacrament?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Luther become both a national and an international figure?

2. What is the initial result of Luther's attacks on the practice of selling indulgences?

3. What is the legal argument Luther makes against the legality of his case?

4. What are the divergent attitudes toward Luther during his lifetime?

5. How does Eck raise the question of tradition and how does Luther respond?

6. Describe Luther's busy life in Wittenberg.

7. What is the objection to Luther's views on the mass?

8. Describe Luther's struggle of faith after coming to Wittenberg.

9. What steps are taken by the Vatican to justify trying Luther as a heretic?

10. While Luther is in hiding, what is happening in Wittenberg?

(see the answer keys)

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