Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Final Test - Easy

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Final Test - Easy

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Luther's Monday and Tuesday sermons?
(a) on the family
(b) on Bible reading
(c) on the Pauline epistles
(d) on the catechism

2. What is Luther's agrarian thought?
(a) that man should work
(b) that children should not play
(c) that slavery is acceptable
(d) that everyone should farm

3. What does Luther continue to stress in his teaching?
(a) that faith must be accompanied by good works
(b) that doing good deeds will result in salvation
(c) that good works do not constitute any claim on God
(d) that good works people do need no faith in them

4. What does Luther undertake to do in his lifetime?
(a) Luther translates the Bible, catechism, and liturgy as well as a hymn book.
(b) He establishes Lutheran schools across Germany.
(c) He set out to debate all who disagree with his doctrine.
(d) He works to convert all people to Lutheranism.

5. What causes increased levies on the land, imperiled commons, and a deflated economy?
(a) The War of the Roses
(b) The Peasant War
(c) The War of Crusades
(d) The Revolutionary War

6. What is Luther's firm belief?
(a) that the Roman Church will accept his radical ideas
(b) that there is benefit in praying for the dead
(c) that no man can believe for, or answer for, another man
(d) that one man can be baptized in proxy for another

7. How does Luther get drawn into politics during the Peasant War?
(a) The princes enlist his help.
(b) Peasants feel drawn to Luther.
(c) Luther preaches pacifism.
(d) The peasants want to burn Luther.

8. What does Luther think about politics?
(a) politics is God's way of working things out
(b) politics is the only answer for reform
(c) politics is only to prohibit religion
(d) politics is peripheral to God's service

9. What does Luther say is comforting and releases one for responsibility for his actions?
(a) to believe there is plenty of time to repent
(b) to believe there is no hell
(c) to believe in pre-destination
(d) to believe that salvation comes from outside ourselves

10. What does Luther mean by saying that God can forgive only a lusty sinner?
(a) He means that God takes no notice of small sins.
(b) He means that a big failure brings about great humility.
(c) He means that only lusty sinners recognize their sin.
(d) He means that we should sin to get salvation.

11. What law does Luther insist should be null?
(a) any law that puts people into slavery
(b) any demand that is contrary to the Word of God
(c) any law that favors the princes only
(d) any law that has different criteria for different classes

12. What area is largely won within a decade of the Reformation?
(a) the British Isles
(b) most of Europe
(c) the northeast of France
(d) most of Northern Germany

13. On what occasion does Luther utter these words: "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen"?
(a) when facing his accusers
(b) on his death bed
(c) at the end of his books
(d) taking his monastic vows

14. What, to Luther, is the ultimate problem?
(a) man's relationship to God
(b) how to remain alive
(c) where to go to be safe
(d) apostacy in the Church

15. What happens in 1534?
(a) the complete translation of the entire Bible
(b) a retrial for Luther
(c) Luther becomes critically ill
(d) more books by Luther are burned

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the Reformation in Saxony cause confusion?

2. Besides sermons and pamphlets, what does Luther frequently write?

3. Discussion is allowed in Wittenberg, but what is not allowed?

4. During the translation process, what gives Luther a serious problem?

5. What does Luther feel compelled to do as more nuns leave their orders?

(see the answer keys)

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