Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Here I Stand: a Life of Martin Luther Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Roland Bainton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Luther want to do with the rituals associated with confirmation, marriage, ordination, penance, and extreme unction?
(a) reform them
(b) better define them
(c) make them binding laws
(d) eliminate them

2. Where is Luther's trial transferred?
(a) from Rome to Jerusalem
(b) from Germany to Rome
(c) from Germany to Spain
(d) from Rome to Germany

3. What is Humanism?
(a) the belief that the proper interest of mankind is man
(b) the idea that humans invented God
(c) the belief that there is no God
(d) the theory that humans are part of God

4. After surviving, what does Luther vow to do?
(a) give all his money to the church
(b) say a novena
(c) join a monastery
(d) do a pilgrimage to Jerusalem

5. What does Luther think he must do?
(a) whatever good works he needs to do in order to save himself
(b) sacrifice his life for salvation
(c) punish his body to keep himself concentrated on his goals
(d) learn all the traditions of the church

6. Second in the Cum Postquam, what does it say indulgences apply to?
(a) the authority of the Pope
(b) only the life after death
(c) only to the worst of sinners
(d) the temporal penalties of earth and purgatory

7. What does the Pope call Luther?
(a) a son of iniquity
(b) a raving lunatic
(c) a small fish in the ocean
(d) a thorn in the flesh

8. What unusual thing happens to Martin Luther in 1505?
(a) He recovers his sight.
(b) He has a vision of St. Anne.
(c) He is struck by lightning.
(d) He inherits a fortune.

9. What realization does Luther come to in Wittenberg?
(a) He can never do enough to save himself.
(b) There are no hard answers in the Bible.
(c) He does more than necessary to save himself.
(d) He is wrong to opposed the Pope.

10. What does Luther see as man's greatest need?
(a) the need for plenty to eat
(b) the need for storng families
(c) the need for forgiveness
(d) the need for work

11. Why is Luther not worried about what the opposition will do to him?
(a) nothing can happen except for what God above allows
(b) because his popularity with the people will save him
(c) because he is safe as long as he stays in Germany
(d) the canonists have no power over him

12. To whom are the ninety-five theses given?
(a) to the rubbish collectors
(b) to the archbishop
(c) to the printer for all Germany
(d) to the Pope

13. Which of the works raises the most opposition?
(a) The Freedom of the Christian Man
(b) The Address to the German Nobility
(c) The Babylonian Captivity
(d) The Sermon on Good Works

14. On what do Luther and Erasmus agree?
(a) The Church is the only answer to humanism.
(b) The Church has become too big to manage.
(c) The Church must be preserved at all costs.
(d) The Church has become too legalistic.

15. How long is Luther a monk?
(a) for nineteen years
(b) for three years
(c) for seven years
(d) for his entire life

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens in the Piazza Narona?

2. What drives Luther to make extra long confessions?

3. What is happening in Wittenberg during Luther's absence?

4. Why does Luther preach against indulgences?

5. What are indulgences intended for?

(see the answer keys)

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