Here Be Dragons Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Here Be Dragons Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first symptom of the illness that will plague King John in the final days of his life?

2. What illness is King John suffering when Llewelyn visits him in Chapter 38?

3. Who tells Llewelyn in Chapter 4 that Gruffydd has taken up arms against Wales, Llewelyn in particular?

4. Who, in Chapter 8, collapses at Easter and dies, shocking everyone present?

5. What causes a falling out between Joanna and Llewelyn in Chapter 8?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Joanna sent into exile at one of Llewelyn's seaside castles in Chapter 12?

2. What is significant about the hostages and the number of hostages King John demands of Llewelyn after his surrender as a sign of good faith?

3. What cruelty on her father's part does Joanna learn in Chapter 31 that forces her to acknowledge that her father is not the kind man she always thought he was?

4. Why does Joanna confront her brother Richard after leaving Lleweyn in Chapter 32?

5. Why does Isabelle remarry? How does King Henry respond to Isabelle's choices?

6. How does Joanna react to King John's attempts to humiliate her husband after he surrenders before the King?

7. Why is Llewelyn unconcerned when he learns that King John will be leading an army into Wales in Chapter 27?

8. What enemy becomes King John's ally in Chapter 36?

9. How are the King's treasures lost in Chapter 41? Who is responsible?

10. Why does Joanna goad Gruffydd into an argument in Aber's great hall in Chapter 8 of Book 2?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What advice does Isabelle give to Joanna in relation to her inability to convince Llewelyn to consummate their marriage? What does Joanna find when she returns to Wales after this discussion with Isabelle? How does Llewelyn react to Joanna's obvious jealousy? How does Joanna react to the presence of Llewelyn's mistress in their home? What does this situation do for Llewelyn and Joanna's marriage?

Essay Topic 2

Why is Gruffydd imprisoned in one of his father's distant castles? Why did Joanna set him up to be exiled? How does Llewelyn react when he learns about Joanna's part in Gruffydd's actions? How does this lead to Joanna's affair? How does Llewelyn feel about his oldest son? Why did Llewelyn decide to make Davydd his sole heir? How did this cause Gruffydd to behave as he does? How does this situation compare to John's fight for the crown of England?

Essay Topic 3

Who is Joanna? What is significant about her birth? Why does Joanna's mother commit suicide? Why is Joanna sent to live with her father? How does Joanna's father respond to meeting his daughter for the first time? How does Joanna feel about her father? How does Joanna respond to meeting her stepmother for the first time? Why? What does this suggest about Joanna's future?

(see the answer keys)

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