Here Be Dragons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Here Be Dragons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Eleanor leave King Henry and return to her own lands in Aquitaine?
(a) King Henry wanted more children.
(b) King Henry wanted a divorce.
(c) King Henry was abusive.
(d) King Henry was flaunting his mistress.

2. What is the name of Joanna and her husband's first child?
(a) Llewelyn.
(b) Davydd.
(c) Gwenydd.
(d) Elen.

3. What is in the message that Aubrey de Mara carries in Wales in Chapter 9?
(a) The news of Llewelyn's defeat at Mold.
(b) The news of the birth of Llewelyn's son.
(c) The news of Richard's death.
(d) The news of William de Braose's death.

4. Who is Gruffydd?
(a) Llewleyn's cousin.
(b) Llewelyn's brother.
(c) Llewelyn's father.
(d) Llewelyn's illegitimate son.

5. What is the name of King John's first legitimate child?
(a) Henry.
(b) Richard.
(c) Isabelle.
(d) Joanna.

6. What promise does Eleanor of Aquitaine ask John to make when she visits him after King Henry's death?
(a) He will not marry for love.
(b) He will not scheme against the French.
(c) He will not have any more illegitimate children.
(d) He will not scheme against Richard.

7. What is Aber?
(a) Llewleyn's oldest child.
(b) Llewelyn's horse.
(c) Llewelyn's trusted dog.
(d) Llewelyn's home in Wales.

8. To whom does King John arrange for his daughter, Joanna, to marry?
(a) Will.
(b) Llewelyn ab Iowerth.
(c) Arthur.
(d) King Philip.

9. From whom do the people of Wales believe they are descended?
(a) Caesar and the citizens of Rome.
(b) Persephone and Hades.
(c) Brutus and the citizens of ancient Troy.
(d) Hercules and the demigods of Greece.

10. Who does Joanna think John is when she is first brought to him in La Vieille?
(a) Her cousin.
(b) A kind stranger.
(c) Her mother's brother.
(d) Her father's servant.

11. What physical disability does Llewelyn's brother, Adda, have?
(a) Deafness.
(b) Blindness.
(c) A cleft palate.
(d) A twisted, deformed leg.

12. What does Joanna remember the most about her trip to find her father?
(a) It was exciting.
(b) It was dirty and uncomfortable.
(c) It was a great deal of fun.
(d) It was full of uncertainty.

13. How old was Llewelyn when he was forced to move to Shropshire with his mother in 1183?
(a) Fourteen.
(b) Eight.
(c) Ten.
(d) Six.

14. Who is Arthur's father?
(a) John, King Richard's brother.
(b) Geoffrey, King Richard's brother.
(c) Richard, King of England.
(d) Llewelyn ab Iowerth.

15. What does King John warn the Welsh Princes not to do in Chapter 24?
(a) Invade Norman lands.
(b) Invade Welsh lands.
(c) Invade French lands.
(d) Invade Gwenwynwyn's lands.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason inspired the arranged marriage for Richard in 1191?

2. What is Interdict?

3. Who claims Richard named John his heir on his death bed?

4. What does Joanna find when she enters her husband's bedchamber to give him a gift she has brought?

5. What reason does Joanna believe binds her husband to her no matter her behavior toward him?

(see the answer keys)

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