King Henry V Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King Henry V Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bardolph say he will do to help Nym and Pistol become friends?
(a) Give his own money to settle a gambling debt.
(b) Take them out drinking.
(c) Throw a dinner party.
(d) Bestow them a breakfast.

2. Canterbury tells King Henry that Salic is not part of France, but of _________.
(a) England.
(b) Germany.
(c) Scotland.
(d) Spain.

3. What does Alice tell Katherine when she pronounces "neck" as "nick" and "chin" as "sin"?
(a) To stop wasting her time and stick with French.
(b) Not to worry, because she can always hire interpreters.
(c) That she pronounces the words as well as English natives.
(d) That she needs to pay closer attention to how the words are pronounced.

4. What does the governor say was the Dauphin's response to his request for help in fighting the English?
(a) That the governor is lying because it would be impossible for the incompetent English to conquer a French town.
(b) That he is not yet ready to send adequate help.
(c) To hold fast because reinforcements are on their way.
(d) That Harfleur is not a strategic site and not worth defending.

5. From where does the chorus ask the audience to imagine that the "well-appointed king" and his fleet embark?
(a) Hampton pier.
(b) Staines.
(c) The Straits of Dover.
(d) Harfleur.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which famous Parisian landmark does Exeter say will "shake" because of the Dauphin's insulting gift to King Henry?

2. Dauphin tells the French king that they should show no more fear of England than if that country were busy with __________.

3. To what does Henry compare his men as they are eagerly awaiting battle?

4. What does King Henry tell Exeter to do with the drunken man who had railed against him the day before?

5. At the conclusion of the lesson, what does Katherine suggest they do next?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Henry wanting his troops to do as they begin their attack on Harfleur and what does he suggest they do if they do not want to comply?

2. Based solely on the chorus' statement in the Prologue, what is the play about and what can the audience expect to experience?

3. Ely compares King Henry's development as a leader to the way certain types of fruit grow. Discuss this metaphor and how it applies to the king.

4. The chorus cites one of England's weaknesses that the French are using to their advantage. What is the weakness and how does France plan to use it in its favor?

5. In the Prologue, what mythical creature does the chorus invoke and what does he hope doing so will accomplish?

6. Describe and discuss the offer the French make to Henry at Harfleur. What is Henry's opinion of the offer and what is his response to it?

7. Explain why it is important to Katherine that Alice teaches her English.

8. King Henry tells his uncle, Exeter, to free a man who had railed against him while intoxicated. What is Scroop, Cambridge, and Grey's response to this pardon and what is the significance of their response?

9. Compare the response of the English and French to the impending war based on the chorus's observations.

10. How do Scroop, Cambridge, and Grey respond when they are charged with treason?

(see the answer keys)

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