King Henry V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King Henry V Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Westmoreland wish for before the battle of Agincourt begins?
(a) Ten thousand more English troops.
(b) That Henry would ransom himself so the rest of them go home.
(c) A horse as good as Henry's.
(d) A hot meal.

2. On whose behalf does Pistol ask Fluellen to plead for mercy after this individual had been sentenced to death for robbing a church?
(a) The boy.
(b) Gower.
(c) Bardolph.
(d) Nym.

3. To whom or what does Henry credit with winning the battle while losing relatively few men?
(a) Superior strategy.
(b) French arrogance.
(c) God.
(d) The loyalty of his men.

4. Who sends Montjoy to the English camp to request that Henry surrender and give himself over for ransom?
(a) The Constable.
(b) The Dauphin.
(c) The King of France.
(d) Katherine.

5. What suggestion from various lords does Henry refuse because he does not have the vanity or pride to do so?
(a) Ride in a parade with his battle-scarred helmet and sword.
(b) Have a major street in London renamed for him.
(c) Declare a national holiday in his name.
(d) Have a statue of himself made.

6. What does Fluellen say regarding the killing of the boys who had been guarding the luggage?
(a) It is what happens when you leave a boy to do a man's job.
(b) That the boys should have been armed and taught to defend themselves.
(c) They were all orphans, so none will be missed.
(d) It goes against the law of arms.

7. What does Fluellen force Pistol to do or he will continue to beat him?
(a) Give him money.
(b) Say he is sorry for insulting his Welsh heritage.
(c) Admit that he abandoned his post during the battle.
(d) Eat a leek.

8. Henry had seen this duke fall in battle several times and covered in blood so he asks Exeter whether he might still be alive:
(a) York.
(b) Bedford.
(c) Westmoreland.
(d) Gloucester.

9. What does Pistol mistakenly think is the name of a French soldier?
(a) Harry le Roy.
(b) Signieur Dew.
(c) Moy.
(d) Jay Zu Creest.

10. Fluellen states that the Duke of Exeter is as magnanimous as which famous ancient monarch?
(a) Nebuchadnezzar.
(b) Agamemnon.
(c) Solomon.
(d) Ozymandias.

11. Who does Bourbon say will "take order now"?
(a) The French army.
(b) The devil.
(c) No one.
(d) God.

12. Which character suggests that if they do not follow him back into battle to die with honor, they may as well allow a slave to have access to their daughters?
(a) Orleans.
(b) The Constable.
(c) The Dauphin.
(d) Bourbon.

13. To what ancient city does the chorus compare London as they welcome the return of their king?
(a) Rome.
(b) Athens.
(c) Babylon.
(d) Jerusalem.

14. What is the "capital demand" in the articles of peace that Henry mentions to Queen Isabel?
(a) Katherine.
(b) Two-thirds of all France's tax revenues.
(c) A formal apology from the Dauphin.
(d) The French king's crown and all his powers.

15. Which of the following tool do the armorers use to close the rivets on the knights' armor?
(a) Screwdrivers.
(b) Hammers.
(c) Wrenches.
(d) Pliers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What characteristic does the Constable say has spoiled them, but will now be their friend as they return to the battlefield?

2. What does the chorus, somewhat embarrassed, say will have to represent the battle on the stage?

3. The chorus asks the audience to imagine passing through the "foul womb of __________."

4. What absurd suggestion does the Dauphin make regarding the horses?

5. Who does Williams strike when he sees him wearing his glove in his cap?

(see the answer keys)

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