Henna Wars Test | Final Test - Medium

Adiba Jaigirdar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Henna Wars Test | Final Test - Medium

Adiba Jaigirdar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 16, what is Nishat supposed to receive?
(a) Her shoes.
(b) Her henna tubes.
(c) Her Junior Cert results.
(d) Her henna ink.

2. Why does Nishat feels shame at the end of Chapter 17?
(a) She does not fit in.
(b) She feels like a secret to hide to everyone.
(c) She lies to her Ammu.
(d) She knows she is a lesbian.

3. Who says she is going to kill Chyna after the incident with the banner?
(a) No one.
(b) Ms. Montgomery.
(c) Nishat.
(d) Jess.

4. Why does Nishat feel annoyed at her mother in Chapter 17?
(a) For sharing her results.
(b) Her mother lied to her.
(c) Her mother said she was a lesbian to her best friend.
(d) Her mother does not understand her.

5. What does Nishat notice about the Instagram pictures Priti put up?
(a) The title is wrong.
(b) It has a few likes.
(c) They have a man in them.
(d) It has a smudge.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 29, who come up to help Nishat set up at the school?

2. What does Flavia put on at her house after she and Nishat walk to her house in the rain?

3. In Chapter 18, why does Nishat say she needs Priti’s help?

4. In Chapter 21, what is Priti's text to Nishat about?

5. In Chapters 23, who interrupts Nishat and Flavia as they are roughhousing in Flavia's room, about to kiss?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Nishat see on Instagram that Chyna is doing at the same time she is running her henna business?

2. Why is Nishat worried about her results?

3. Nishat says she will think about going to the party but knows what will happen?

4. Which incident does Priti come to tell Nishat about during the first showcase?

5. What is in the bag that Flavia gives Nishat?

6. How does Chapter 25 end?

7. Why does Nishat feel guilty at the end of Chapter 21?

8. What does Nishat notice Priti doing after they get off the bus?

9. In Chapter 20, Jess and Chaewon meet Nishat at her locker and tell Nishat what?

10. On the banner Flavia makes for Nishat - what is the major feature?

(see the answer keys)

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