Henderson the Rain King Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Henderson the Rain King Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dahfu say that Bunam is trying to manipulate Henderson with?
(a) Money
(b) Hate
(c) Fear
(d) Death

2. What does Dahfu say that Henderson is crying out for?
(a) Spiritual awakening
(b) Salvation
(c) Love
(d) Peace

3. What would Henderson not agree to the death of?
(a) His spirit
(b) His mind
(c) His soul
(d) His youth

4. What is the name of the Wariri rain king?
(a) Sungo
(b) Silkyop
(c) Moonlo
(d) Clood

5. What color garments does Henderson have to wear?
(a) Green
(b) Brown
(c) Grey
(d) Blue

6. Where did Henderson hitchhike to?
(a) London
(b) New York
(c) Ontario
(d) Seattle

7. How old was Henderson when his brother died?
(a) Sixteen
(b) Nineteen
(c) Twenty five
(d) Thirty

8. What does Henderson believe that Turombo is defeated by?
(a) His emotions
(b) His humor
(c) His self control
(d) Past defeats

9. What kind of food does Henderson take with him?
(a) Bananas
(b) Nuts
(c) Raisans
(d) Yams

10. What is the only lion that is not an evil-doer?
(a) The father lion
(b) A mother lion
(c) A lion king
(d) A lion cub

11. What do Henderson and Dahfu make a pact to expect from each other?
(a) Humor
(b) The truth
(c) Friendship
(d) Loyalty

12. Who tries to calm Henderson down?
(a) Romilayu
(b) Bunam
(c) Dahfu
(d) Tatu

13. What does Henderson believe the tribe is trying to do to him?
(a) Marry him off
(b) Brainwash him
(c) Kill him
(d) Make him into a God

14. Wat kind of animal does Henderson leave with?
(a) A snakee
(b) A kitten
(c) A calf
(d) A lion cub

15. What does Dahfu plan to drop on the lion?
(a) A fence
(b) A heavy weight
(c) A net
(d) A cage

Short Answer Questions

1. How high is the platform?

2. What do the wome throe HEnderson into?

3. What does Henderson have to distribute to the villagers?

4. Who does Henderson wish was with him?

5. What word does Henderson think maybe full of bluff?

(see the answer keys)

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