Hello, Universe Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Entrada Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Hello, Universe Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Entrada Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the king in Lola's story who was only one inch tall that Virgil tells the voice in the well about in Chapter 27?
(a) Joselito.
(b) Paulito.
(c) Roberto.
(d) Salvadoro.

2. What does Kaori tell Valencia about Virgil's Lola?
(a) She is very old and can not hear well.
(b) She is very mean and will probably yell at Valencia.
(c) She always wants to feed people so she will probably offer Valencia a meal.
(d) She is very perceptive, and Kaori thinks she may also be a psychic.

3. What question does Kaori ask Valencia in the end of Chapter 26 that Valencia does not hear?
(a) Whether Valencia has any pets.
(b) Whether Valencia knows sign language.
(c) What star sign Valencia is.
(d) When Valencia got her hearing aids.

4. What did Virgil's mother used to tell him when he had bad dreams as a younger child?
(a) Everyone has dreams but not everyone lets the dreams scare them.
(b) It will all look better in the daytime.
(c) Go back to sleep.
(d) Imagine you are someplace else.

5. What does Valencia notice about the old well in the woods that is strange to her in Chapter 21?
(a) Someone is yelling from inside of it.
(b) The stones are crumbling.
(c) The grass around it has been freshly mowed.
(d) The cover has been moved off the opening.

6. What language does Valencia want to learn?
(a) Spanish.
(b) American Sign Language.
(c) Russian.
(d) Italian.

7. What special stone does Kaori say they need to find in Chapter 31 for the ceremony?
(a) Quartz.
(b) Coal.
(c) Snakeskin agate.
(d) Diamond.

8. Who does Chet see in the woods in Chapter 18?
(a) Gen.
(b) Valencia.
(c) His father.
(d) Kaori.

9. What does Chet use to help him find a snake?
(a) Live rodents.
(b) A stick.
(c) Snakeskin.
(d) A compass.

10. How does Valencia feel about losing Roberta as a friend?
(a) She will just find new friends to play with.
(b) She never liked Roberta anyway, so she does not care.
(c) Even bad friends are better than no friends.
(d) She will just have to move to where Roberta is moving to so they can still be friends.

11. What does Gen insist on taking with her from their house as they head to the woods to do the ceremony in Chapter 31?
(a) Her tablet.
(b) Her phone.
(c) Her jump rope.
(d) Her socks.

12. What work of literature was the name of Valencia's guinea pig taken from?
(a) Gulliver's Travels.
(b) Treasure Island.
(c) Moby Dick.
(d) A Christmas Carol.

13. Who does Valencia like to pretend to be when she writes in her zoological diary?
(a) Marie Curie.
(b) Katherine Hall.
(c) Jane Goodall.
(d) Amelia Earhardt.

14. Where does Kaori say they should start looking for Virgil in Chapter 27?
(a) Virgil's own house.
(b) Chet Bullens' house.
(c) The woods.
(d) The old theater.

15. What kind of ceremony does Kaori want to perform in Chapter 31 to help find Virgil?
(a) The ceremony of the crystal magic.
(b) The ceremony of the setting sun.
(c) The ceremony of lost things.
(d) The ceremony of a thousand lights.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it about Virgil's house that makes Valencia a little nervous in Chapter 29?

2. When Chet finally finds a snake in Chapter 29, how does he grab it?

3. What does the voice in the well tell Virgil silence is good for in Chapter 28?

4. What does Valencia see in Virgil's house in Chapter 29 that makes her realize she has met Virgil before?

5. What does Chet wrap around his arm after the snake bites him?

(see the answer keys)

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