Hello, Universe Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Entrada Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Hello, Universe Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Entrada Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Chet think the person he sees in the woods is doing in Chapter 18?
(a) Hiding.
(b) Performing a spell.
(c) Building a house.
(d) Looking for an animal.

2. What language does Valencia want to learn?
(a) Spanish.
(b) American Sign Language.
(c) Italian.
(d) Russian.

3. When Chet finally finds a snake in Chapter 29, how does he grab it?
(a) By its head.
(b) He uses a stick with a loop at the end to pick up the snake.
(c) By its tail.
(d) By its fangs.

4. Why does Roberta tell Valencia they can not be friends any longer?
(a) Valencia does not wear the right clothes.
(b) Roberta's mother will not let her spend time with Valencia anymore.
(c) The how-tos are too hard.
(d) Roberta is moving away.

5. Who answers the door at Virgil's house in Chapter 29?
(a) Virgil.
(b) Julius.
(c) Joselito.
(d) Lola.

6. What does Virgil become afraid of in Chapter 22 that comes from one of Lola's stories?
(a) A huge alligator named Kalori.
(b) A huge bird named Pah.
(c) A monstrous serpent named Garth.
(d) A monstrous dragon named Kalvin.

7. What do Kaori and Gen hear at the end of Chapter 31 that startles them and shakes them?
(a) Screaming.
(b) A low-flying plane.
(c) Their mother calling for them to come home.
(d) Flames crackling.

8. What kind of feeling does Valencia have as she leaves the woods in Chapter 21?
(a) A weird feeling.
(b) A sad feeling.
(c) An angry feeling.
(d) A happy feeling.

9. What does Kaori tell Valencia about Virgil's Lola?
(a) She is very mean and will probably yell at Valencia.
(b) She is very old and can not hear well.
(c) She always wants to feed people so she will probably offer Valencia a meal.
(d) She is very perceptive, and Kaori thinks she may also be a psychic.

10. What does the voice in the well tell Virgil to do one last time in Chapter 32 before he goes to sleep for a while?
(a) Feed Gulliver.
(b) Tie a ribbon around his wrist.
(c) Scream for help.
(d) Drink some water.

11. What do Kaori, Gen and Valencia eat for lunch in Chapter 27?
(a) Sandwiches.
(b) Pasta.
(c) Pickles.
(d) Candy.

12. What does Chet wrap around his arm after the snake bites him?
(a) A bunch of leaves.
(b) His t-shirt.
(c) Virgil's bandanna.
(d) The pillowcase he had brought to capture the snake.

13. Where did Kaori first get the crystals?
(a) From her own grandmother.
(b) From a museum gift shop.
(c) From a woman at a garage sale.
(d) From a website online.

14. What did Valencia once read squirrels often forget?
(a) Who their mothers are.
(b) Where they made their nests.
(c) Where they left their babies.
(d) Where they hid their nuts.

15. What does the voice in the well call Virgil in Chapter 25?
(a) Bayani.
(b) Pah.
(c) Virgilio.
(d) Frederico.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one of Chet's father's favorite expressions that Chet remembers in Chapter 29?

2. Who begins talking to Virgil in the well in Chapter 25?

3. What does Chet use to help him find a snake?

4. What does Valencia see in Virgil's house in Chapter 29 that makes her realize she has met Virgil before?

5. Why does Valencia think she could never be a dog?

(see the answer keys)

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