Hello, Universe Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Erin Entrada Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Hello, Universe Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Erin Entrada Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV (Chapters 27 - 32).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the voice in the well tell Virgil in Chapter 25 when he says his situation is hopeless?
(a) He can climb out of the well right now if he believes he can.
(b) His grandmother is on her way to find him.
(c) There is a dog at the opening of the well who is barking and raising the alarm for him.
(d) Nothing is ever hopeless.

2. What is one of the reasons Chet Bullens resents Valencia?
(a) He thinks she is better at sports than he is.
(b) He thinks her family has a lot more money than his does.
(c) He thinks she gets away with everything because she is deaf.
(d) He thinks she is smarter than he is.

3. What does Virgil's grandmother tell him she has dreamed about the previous evening in Chapter 1?
(a) The Red Tree.
(b) Pah.
(c) Ruby San Salvador.
(d) The Stone Boy.

4. What treat food does Virgil often try to convince Lola to buy for him?
(a) Doritos.
(b) Donuts.
(c) Ice cream.
(d) Popcorn.

5. Where did Kaori first get the crystals?
(a) From a woman at a garage sale.
(b) From a website online.
(c) From her own grandmother.
(d) From a museum gift shop.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gen ask Valencia about when she opens the door and meets her for the first time in Chapter 24?

2. What does Chet do with Virgil's backpack in Chapter 16?

3. What was Valenica's former friend Roberta so scared of?

4. What is Valencia worried about the first time she goes to Kaori's house?

5. Who does Chet see in the woods in Chapter 18?

(see the answer key)

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