Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Karrde meets Luke he does what unusual thing, puzzling Luke.
(a) calls Luke by name
(b) identifies himself as Luke's long-lost uncle
(c) wears a Jedi lightsaber on his belt
(d) brings ten armed guards

2. Lando thinks the attack is a bold move because the stormtroopers outnumber them by how much?
(a) 3 to 1
(b) 6 to 1
(c) 8 to 1
(d) 4 to 1

3. While trying to escape his cell, Luke hears _________ nearby?
(a) Karrde
(b) a wookie
(c) Artoo
(d) a ship

4. What type of creature is on Karrde's ship, affecting Luke's force powers?
(a) ysalamiri
(b) yjalimiri
(c) ymsalamiri
(d) ycalimari

5. Leia sets a time and place to meet up with this Noghri in the near future, so that she may do what?
(a) talk to their elders
(b) start a trade agreement with the Noghiri
(c) get their help to rescue a Jedi
(d) see what Vader did for them

6. Han wriggles out of his handcuffs, which were not real and helps whom, sot hey can make their escape?
(a) Luke
(b) Lando
(c) Threepio
(d) Aves

7. The smuggler contact agrees to do as Han asks because Han did what?
(a) threatened him
(b) paid him
(c) saved him from aliens
(d) punched him

8. Han and Lando offer to take their smuggler contact back to his base in exchange for what?
(a) information about who is after Leia
(b) mole miners
(c) money
(d) a meeting with Karrde

9. When Thrawn hails Karrde, he says he needs more what?
(a) mole miners
(b) ysalamiri
(c) money
(d) freighters

10. After disabling the Noghiri ship, Leia asks to speak to whom?
(a) the first available Noghiri
(b) the Noghiri who is in charge
(c) the Noghiri who attacked her
(d) all of the Noghiri council members

11. Putting two and two together, after hearing a transmission fromt he Falcon, Thrawn deduces that Leia is what?
(a) headed to Coruscant
(b) dead
(c) sick
(d) headed to Kashyyyk

12. Jade obviously hates whom?
(a) The Emperor
(b) Thrawn
(c) Karrde
(d) Luke

13. In order to ensure that the Imperials will not recognize Luke, Jade does what?
(a) hides Luke in a cargo container
(b) causes Luke to have an allergic reaction that swells his face
(c) tells Luke not to leave the forest until the Imperials have gone
(d) switches clothes with Luke

14. Thrawn is confident that the Noghri will make contact with Leia and do what, as they were instructed?
(a) capture her
(b) distract her
(c) drug her
(d) kill her

15. During the dinner, Karrde is pulled away for what reason?
(a) He has a message.
(b) One of his workers has collapsed.
(c) The ship has entered an asteroid field.
(d) The ship has unexpectedly entered hyperspace.

Short Answer Questions

1. Luke notices a metal ______________ that might allow him an escape option?

2. In Chapter 20 who uses Threepio to transmit a message to Coruscant in Leia's voice?

3. What is Luke's condition, after the crash?

4. Which of the following people is injured, during the fight?

5. As he prepares to go back into the Jedi induced trance, he calls out to whom?

(see the answer keys)

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