Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Karrde tell one of his associates to hide the Falcon?
(a) Karrde doesn't want Luke seeing Han's ship.
(b) The Chimaera has showed up.
(c) Karrde does not want Han and Lando to leave.
(d) A huge space battle has started.

2. Jade held what position at Jabba the Hutt's Palace, during the brief time that Luke was there?
(a) dancer
(b) Jedi assistant to Jabba
(c) chef
(d) band member

3. Lando realizes that the what needed in order to maneuver the door opener had to come from Luke?
(a) lightsaber
(b) power supply
(c) screwdriver
(d) explosive device

4. During the dinner, Karrde is pulled away for what reason?
(a) The ship has unexpectedly entered hyperspace.
(b) The ship has entered an asteroid field.
(c) One of his workers has collapsed.
(d) He has a message.

5. While Han and Lando plan their next course of action, who is nearby, watching their ships interact?
(a) Ackbar
(b) Thrawn
(c) Karrde
(d) Luke

6. The Noghiri explain that they know who is related to Vader?
(a) Leia
(b) Han
(c) Chewbacca
(d) Luke

7. The stormtroopers handcuff and detain both Luke and Mara and escort them to a nearby what?
(a) ship
(b) cave
(c) mountain
(d) city

8. Luke wakes up, after his meeting with Karrde and realizes that what has happened to him?
(a) Luke has been stabbed.
(b) Luke has been shot.
(c) Luke has been dropped off on an unknown planet.
(d) Luke has been drugged.

9. Karrde tells Luke that Karrde's associate, whom, is the one who alerted Karrde to Luke's presence.
(a) Mona Jade
(b) Maya Jade
(c) Mala Jade
(d) Mara Jade

10. While Luke sleeps, Jade does what, in order to stay awake?
(a) runs laps around their sleeping site
(b) practices a Jedi training technique
(c) sings
(d) takes pills

11. Ralrra was enslaved by the Empire before who freed him?
(a) Alliance
(b) Lando
(c) Jedi knights
(d) Admiral Ackbar

12. Karrde hesitates to take Han and Lando up on their deal because of what?
(a) Karrde does not trust Han.
(b) Karrde fears taking sides.
(c) Karrde does not think Jade would approve.
(d) Karrde does not trust Lando.

13. Luke and his X-wing are towed into the cargo hold of the ship. He is then escorted to meet the ship's captain, whose name is what?
(a) Kole Karrde
(b) Talon Karrde
(c) Wild Karrde
(d) Claw Karrde

14. Karrde says that he did not really want to do what with Luke?
(a) keep him locked up
(b) set him free
(c) turn him over to the Imperials
(d) kill him

15. Han and Lando tell Karrde that they are going to the Falcon to check on some things, but do what instead?
(a) get on the Falcon and fly back to Coruscant
(b) slip off to spy on the Imperials
(c) slip off to send a secret message to Leia
(d) go to snoop on Karrde's prisoner

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Leia exit the wookie house?

2. As he prepares to go back into the Jedi induced trance, he calls out to whom?

3. To ensure that his crew does not say anything about Luke, accidentally, Karrde does what?

4. Mara sends an encrypted code to Karrde, so that he will know what?

5. In order to pull himself out of a tractor beam, Luke does what?

(see the answer keys)

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