Heir to the Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the friend that Hana nd Chewbacca are waiting to meet with, in chapter 2?
(a) Davis
(b) Dvaris
(c) Dravis
(d) Dvalis

2. Leia plans to check the Imperial archives for information on what?
(a) who may have hired the aliens to attack them
(b) Bimmisaari relations with Imperial remnants
(c) Bimm spies
(d) who the alien species that attacked them are

3. Thrawn discusses plans with Pallaeon to obtain what, for an attack on some shipyards?
(a) Star Destroyers
(b) frigates
(c) X-Wings
(d) mole miners

4. Borsk Fey'lya is what species?
(a) Hutt
(b) Wookie
(c) Bothan
(d) Sullustan

5. What is the name of the Grand Admiral?
(a) Theron
(b) Thrawn
(c) Thalrawn
(d) Thwarn

6. Who receives news, at the start of chapter 8, that the Noghri have failed in their attempt at capturing Luke and Leia on Bimmsaari?
(a) Thrawn
(b) Artoo
(c) Mon Mothma
(d) Wedge

7. The Council for the New Republic is meeting and who is delivering their report from the contact mission?
(a) Luke
(b) Mon Mothma
(c) Han
(d) Leia

8. Leia's party is encouraged to do some sightseeing because the chief negotiator is what?
(a) temporarily stuck in orbit on a ship
(b) missing
(c) ill
(d) busy in a meeting

9. When they get back aboard the real Falcon, Han alerts whom to this latest threat?
(a) Mon Mothma
(b) Fey'lya
(c) Karrde
(d) Ackbar

10. As they run for cover, Han and Leia hear the familiar sounds of what flying overhead?
(a) the Millenium Falcon
(b) Landspeeders
(c) blaster fire
(d) TIE Fighters

11. On Dagobah, Luke looks for the former home of Yoda, Luke's what?
(a) brother
(b) uncle
(c) best friend
(d) Jedi master

12. What is the name of the evil organization mentioned in Chapter 1 that was defeated five years earlier?
(a) The Republic
(b) The Rebellion
(c) The Empire
(d) The Jedi

13. Who pays a visit to Luke and Leia, during Leia's Jedi training?
(a) Wedge
(b) Karrde
(c) Lando
(d) Han

14. The people of Bimmisaari are known as what?
(a) Bimbobs
(b) Bimmians
(c) Bimms
(d) Bimmys

15. Luke goes to look around the Tower of what, where the planetary council is housed?
(a) Power
(b) Justice
(c) Law
(d) Peace

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following people attends the meeting with Han and Chewbacca, in chapter 2?

2. C'baoth insists they take him where, in order to await Skywalker's arrival?

3. Why does Han tell Luke that Luke cannot join them on their trip to Bpfassh?

4. Thrawn arrives at what place, and orders the commencement of the planned attacks?

5. The Dark Jedi is mentally unstable because he is what?

(see the answer keys)

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