Heir to the Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Heir to the Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who feels that Leia's party's departure sends a bad message to the Bimms, with whom they are seeking an alliance?
(a) Artoo
(b) Wedge
(c) Ackbar
(d) Fey'lya

2. Karrde is finally allowed to send two men out to help get what sort of creatures?
(a) laysamiri
(b) syalamiri
(c) ysalamiri
(d) myslamiri

3. The Dark Jedi is mentally unstable because he is what?
(a) on drugs
(b) a clone
(c) sick
(d) old

4. What is the guardian's first name?
(a) Jarouss
(b) Jacen
(c) Joruus
(d) Joreel

5. Han and Leia discover that they are surrounded by unusual looking gray creatures, wielding what sort of sticks?
(a) stohilk
(b) stokhli
(c) stokylik
(d) stakhilo

6. Han and Chewbacca await the arrival of an old friend, who is in what profession?
(a) governmental aid
(b) pleasure ship captain
(c) smuggling
(d) office worker

7. Chewbacca stays behind on what ship, while the others go to greet the diplomats?
(a) The Raven
(b) The Eagle
(c) The Falcon
(d) The Hawk

8. Bimmisaari is a planet inhabited by individuals that wear what color clothing clothing and are half-covered with fur?
(a) blue
(b) green
(c) red
(d) yellow

9. Mon Mothma asks Leia if Luke has heard about the planned trip to where?
(a) Bimmisaari
(b) Bandomir
(c) Kashyyyk
(d) Myrkr

10. The Lieutenant tells Thrawn and Pallaeon that they are under attack by New Republic Assault Frigates and what sort of fighters?
(a) B -Wing
(b) X-Wing
(c) Y-Wing
(d) A-Wing

11. Grand Admiral Thrawn, on board what ship, prepares for a three-pronged attack on the New Republic?
(a) Falcon
(b) Lady Luck
(c) Chimaera
(d) Wilde Karrde

12. What is Pallaeon's rank?
(a) Colonel
(b) Captain
(c) Admiral
(d) Ensign

13. Who is the commander in chief of the New Republic fleet?
(a) Fey'lya
(b) Ackbar
(c) Han
(d) Thrawn

14. Han's friend and first mate is whom?
(a) Artoo
(b) Chewbacca
(c) Threepio
(d) Luke

15. What is the name of the Grand Admiral?
(a) Thalrawn
(b) Theron
(c) Thrawn
(d) Thwarn

Short Answer Questions

1. Han, Leia and Chewbacca arrive at the planet Nkllon and have to wait how long to see Lando?

2. Leia plans to check the Imperial archives for information on what?

3. When Karrde contacts the ship, in Chapter 3, he knows they are headed where?

4. Han comes in and tells them that they just made the jump to hyperspace and are headed where?

5. Thrawn and Pallaeon want to focus C'baoth's attention on whom, rather than Luke?

(see the answer keys)

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